专栏名称: 鹏城食事
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周五学英语 | 听听CAC秘书长Tom Heilandt在我们的独家专访中都说了什么

鹏城食事  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-10-27 18:01


Tom Heilandt

国际食品法典委员会 秘书长


1. What is the role that Codex is playing as an international organization in global food safety risk communication?

Codex is setting international standards for food safety and quality. So we are one of the biggest organizations to get all food safety experts together, to talk together. And if you are manage the risk of food safety, you need to aware also how to speak about it. Now Codex does not set any standards to tell countries how do you need to speak to your population about food safety risk because that depends very much on your population, on your country issue. So it is very difficult standard I said internationally. FAO itself has giving some guidance on that. So there is a lots of publications of FAO. But we on Codex, we certainly do this by getting people together.


2. What is the role of China in relevant international food safety organizations?

China has become very active in international organizations. In the last ten years, the activities of China has increase enormously. Our organization works with technical committees which is hosted by host governments. And now two of our most important committees are hosting by China. The Codex committee on Food Additives and the Codex committee on Pesticide Residues, both of these are now in China directly organize by China. The national secretary in China also pays for those. In addition, China has been hosting many different international conferences on food safety and the last few years this is continuing. So I can see there is a big commitment in China for food safety. That is a big commitment and you can also see the result of that. Because the couple of years back, my friends will always ask me to bring milk powder from Europe to China. Now they do not ask me so much anymore. That must mean that the confidence of consumers is growing.
