“GTD® is the
most stress relieving method I’ve learned in my life”
- Sjoerd Feenstra, Asia Pacific Sales Manager,
“GTD® Level 1
course was about “HOW” it provided me with a new “thinking process”, a way to
operate and integrate into my daily life. GTD® Level 1 course is
really practical and useful. People can benefit from applying the GTD
methodology very quickly. In my experience, Level 2 is more about “WHY”. What
are my goals and why? What are my Areas of Focus and why? …etc. Level 2 gave me
many useful ways and tools to approach and look into my own mind and heart
deeply. After attending the GTD® Level 2 course, I discovered a lot of things
I’ve never thought about them before but were stored in my mind. I just
can’t wait for the GTD ®Level 3 course.”
“ 搞定™初级课程教给我 “如何” 用一种新的思考方式来经营我每天的生活。搞定初级课程具有很强的操作性,很有用。 人们可以很快的通过运用搞定™的方法来受益。在我的体验中,二级课程更多的是强调 "为什么“。 什么是我的目标,为什么?我的关注点在哪里, 为什么?等等。 二级课程给了我很多有用的方法和工具来深层的接近我的心灵。在上了二级课程之后,我挖掘出了很多我原本认为不在我大脑中的事。 我已经等不及要上三级课程了。”
- Gordon Cheng, Creative Director, Advertising
Industry, China
“GTD® Level 2
course is a motivation for me to keep practicing, sharpening my tools and
system.Now I can better plan my projects. It takes perseverance and conscious
effort to integrate this new Thought Process, But it’s definitely worth it.”
“搞定™ 二级课程给了很多继续练习搞定理论的动力, 锋利了我的工具和系统。 现在我提高了计划我项目的能力。 这些都需要坚持不懈的毅力,但是非常的值得。
- Song Tao, General Manager, Barnet Fibers
(Shanghai) Co.,Ltd
“After the GTD®Level 2 course, I really gain control of my life. Like a Pilot and a Zen
“在上了搞定™二级课程后,我真的可以掌控自己的生活了。 就像飞行员和禅宗大师一样。”
- Michael Ma, GSK China
“This level 2 training
gave me a better understanding why we need to learn the 5 Steps of GTD® Workflow
and build up our own trusted system. I like the Natural Planning Model the
most. I now follow the NPM steps to gain more clarity for each of my projects.”
“ 这次的二级课程让我更好的理解了为什么我们要学习搞定™工作流程的5个步骤和为什么要建立一个自己信任的系统。 我最喜欢自然计划模式。 我现在一直用这个方法来理清我的每一个项目。"
- Kate JZ Wong, Marketing
Director, Paradigm Fitness (Shanghai)
“If you think
you got it all figured out about GTD® after completing Level1, think again. GTD®
Level2 training takes you further by introducing a new horizon and new way to
see and reflect on things. Even though “peeling the onion” was a bit
scary and overwhelming at first it has freed me from unconscious drag in my
head. I have gained much more vision and clarity as well as new systematic
tools for a better control of my work and personal life. It’s life changing.”
" 如果你认为上完搞定™初级课程就是完全认识了搞定™,那你就错了。搞定™二级课程带你到了一个新的高度去看清和思考事物。 虽然开始“拨开洋葱”时有些让人抓狂,但是随后你会觉得很轻松。 我获得了更多的视野和清晰度以及新的系统化的工具来更好的掌控我的工作和个人生活。 生活是不断变化的。
- Ludovic Hatat, Product Development Department
Manager, TechnoChina (Shanghai)
“GTD® is a life
long journey. The Level 2 training gave me the perfect occasion to reflect on
my good practices of level 1 and improve as well the ones a bit weak. As well,
it gave me a better idea of my future area of focus and therefore guided me to
achieve more effectiveness in my daily choices. Finally, the checklists are an
easy and terrific tool to improve your productivity. This training was definitely
a turning point for my future life, career and happiness.”
“搞定™ 是一生的旅程。这次的二级课程隔了我一个完美的机会来反顾我初级课程的掌握程度,同时提高了我的薄弱环节。 不仅如此,它使我对未来的关注领域有了更好的认识,引导我在日常选择中取得更大的成效。最后, 列清单是一个提高你生产力的既简单又超好的工具。 这次的培训真的是我人生,事业和幸福的转折点。
- Yoann Delwarde, Sales Director, Bassetti (China)