分享“关于合作”的内容+音频之前,先祝天下的母亲Happy Mother's Day (不要拼错了哦,不是Mothers' Day) ,学习型家庭,学习型妈妈可不少哦,加油耕耘,静待花开!
昨天和小朋友一起做披萨也是一种合作(1. 清楚目标 2.协商 3.开始制作 4.除了涂自己的区域,洒topping,还需要帮别人补涂,以更好地做完整个披萨),与他人合作,达成共同的目标,能进行teamwork团队合作,是一种很重要的能力。
一、音频 + 词句小结
音频分为:重点词汇朗读 + Alice跟读 聊天 + 话题小拓展
1. cooperation
2. cooperative 愿意合作的if you say that someone is cooperative, you mean that they do waht you ask them to without complaining or arguing.
3. joint effort 共同的努力
household chores家务活 housework
It's good for children to be involved in household chores.
be involved in 参与其中
5. 拓展:
最熟悉的“拔萝卜Pull up the turnip”的故事
pull the turnip out of the ground
An old man planted a turnip. The turnip grew to be enormous. The old man started to pull the turnip out of the ground. He pulled and pulled, but couldn't pull it out. So he called the old woman over. 略 (详见 https://russian-crafts.com/tales/turnip.html)
分享词汇多样性 “大、很大、巨大、硕大”
An old man planted a turnip. The turnip grew to be enormous. The old man started to pull the turnip out of the ground.
enormous [ɪˈnɔː(r)məs]
gigantic [dʒaɪ'ɡæntɪk]
二、成长记录:第一次合作贴画 & 合作烤披萨
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让我们一起成长,快乐地积累高频词 高端词并常常复习应用。
让时光充满爱,充满 ALOHA 精神~O(∩_∩)O~ 感谢您的关注~