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【CFC Freight Insight】A simple model to estimate container volume

CFC农产品研究  · 公众号  · 农业  · 2024-09-12 21:25


作者 | 中信建投期货研究发展部 陈宇灏

本报告完成时间  | 2024年9月10日



Common statistics such as port throughput volume or export data are typically lagging indicators for container volume.

Thus, we are giving some simple thoughts how to create a rough estimation for container volume using the public information we have at hand.


Since a container volume statistics should always equal capacity deployed times utilization. We are giving an illustration on this idea for China-North Europe service in the period of August 2024 and September 2024.


Proclaimer: We calculate the capacity deployed based on the originally planned ETD. There will be some differences from the actual capacity due to the chaos in service schedule,but it still works as a parameter to show our ideas.


Step 1. Estimation on Container Volumes in Previous month

We use the “Belt and Road Container Volume Index (BRCVI)-China's(Shanghai) export container volume to the nations on Silk Road at sea” by Shanghai Shipping Exchange as a measure of container volume in the previous months.

From Figure1, we have 1. For the summer peak season of 2024, BRCVI confirms the export figure issued by GACC; 2. BRCVI leads most statistics that only covers July 2024 for now.

Step 2. Estimation on Capacity Deployed and Utilization


The capacity deployed in September is actually close to that in August, which is around 4.3% lower MOM. If we take the delayed extra service of ONE Maneuver into account, this gap estimation may be even smaller.


Assumptions on the parameters made to simplify the model:

  1. Utilization in August is 100%.

  2. Average utilization in September is 90%.


Now, we have an estimation of BRCVI(an indicator of container volume) of 132.67. This estimation for September is 13.7% lower MOM, but still 4.4% higher YOY.


For those who have a more reliable data of utilization, a more accurate result can be expected:

For example, if average utilization in August is 95%, than the model output will be 139.65, 9.3% lower MOM, but still 9.9% higher YOY.

Step 3. Outlook of October


From Figure3, taking the standalone services into account, the capacity deployed in October 2024 may not necessarily be higher than 2023.

For the volume in October, if we assume it is 0% YOY, than it should be 124.32 in BRCVI, which means a further 6.3% decline MOM for the conservative estimation of 132.67(September’s BRCVI, see previous discussions).

Considering the overall strong performance of export in 2024, we believe it is likely to have a positive YOY.

In conclusion, we are not expecting a too loose supply-demand balance in October, since the liners are somewhat actively controlling the capacity.

Step 4. Some reflections


While all the liners have a more detailed data, we believe our model may provide a different perspective of view for the freight market.

Blaming a weakening demand when some liners start to actively or even radically cut their freight rates and drag other liners into a price war has become a stereotype of the freight market.


However, even with a more conservative estimation of the volume in September, we found that the export demand itself may not be as bad as the FAK rates shows.






