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Animal Tickets Only: The secret of survival kit 动物票专属:道具包大揭秘!

看见音乐  · 公众号  · 音乐  · 2016-10-18 21:28


This September at Electric Zoo New York, we asked some people there: What kind of animal do you wanna be? Watch the video and find out the spirit animal inside you!

9 月,我们在纽约 Electric Zoo 的现场随机问了一些人:最想变成什么动物?各种回答都太精彩!点击视频观看,还有彩蛋!

Nov.12, Expo Park, the preview of Electric Zoo will be landing in Shanghai in the name of "Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai", get ready to Be Animal, Be Wild!

11 月 12 日,世博公园,Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai 正式登陆,抢先预热Electric Zoo 2017,Be Animal, Be Wild!

Four kinds of Animal Tickets are on sale NOW. Hot&elegant Flamingo, which is colorful and elegant; Jagura, symbol of power adn freedom; sentimental Mammoth and Cobra, full of wisdom and mystic... Among all kinds of animals, which one belongs to you?


Flamingo 火烈鸟

The common name of the bird, “flamingo” is derived from the Spanish word, “flamenco,” with the Latin root, “flaming.” They are bright, very social animals who truly enjoy the company of others.


Jaguar 美洲豹

A very ancient totem animal that embodies self-empowerment and confidence. Deep in the jungle, Jaguar always sits quietly conserving his energy until his next successful hunt.


Mammoth 猛犸象

Mammoth, probably the largest land animal that ever lived on land, went extinct long ago. They are considered a symbol of responsibility because they take great care of each other.


Cobra 眼镜蛇

The oldest and most widespread mythological symbols, associated with dual expression of good and evil.


Special privilege will be given along with the limited animal tickets. And that would include an exclusive survival kit, one free drink and special entry access at the event.

四种性格迥异的动物,将在 Electric Zoo 的现场享受别出心裁的玩法,购买了动物票的玩家将可获得定制道具包,现场专属入口,并可于现场免费兑换啤酒一杯!

What's survival kit 道具包是什么

Simple but practical. Put everything you need into the backpack and jump into raving pool.


What's in the survival kit 道具包里有什么


Customized Animal Blanket 动物毯 1 条

Four kinds of customized blanket, choose the one you want!


November has a little chill in the air. But mini skirt, bodysuits...you can dress up as whatever you want, if you have this little blanket to keep you warm. The shining color makes you easily find your family members who choose the same animal with you. Even after the show, you can keep it and use it as a towel, a carpet, a cape shawl...be creative and use your imagination!


11 月的上海,特别是到了晚上,靠近黄浦江的世博公园总有那么一丝寒冷,但是没关系,该露肉就露肉,让动物毯为你挡风避寒。披在身上也会格外显眼,让你在人群中一眼看到你的同类。演出结束后也不会成为让你想丢弃的累赘,带回家继续用,睡觉、工作、游泳、洗澡……想怎么用怎么用。




A set of EZOO badge 徽章一套

5 badges: 4 animals ones + 1 classic one



Many people think the animal images are cool and cute. Now you can bring them with you to everywhere. Wear it and be proud that you are the first EZoo-er!





One beer voucher 1 张啤酒兑换券


No one would say NO to free booze, right? Within the backpack, you will receive a voucher for one free beer at the event!





Special Entry Access, Customized Animal Blanket, Free Beer and Big Fun... Get the limited animal tickets now! If you are not sure how to make great use of the Survival Kit, stay tuned...

动物票玩家还将有现场专属入口特权,不用排队,轻轻松松入园!现场凭票领取属于你的道具包,让你能够方便又随性得玩转一整天!如果不确定动物道具包怎么玩?持续关注Electric Zoo,玩家示范,稍后送上!

Be Animal, Be Wild!


Event Info 活动信息

Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai

Date / 时间
Nov.12 /11 月 12 日

Venue / 地点
Expo Park / 世博公园

Price / 票价
Early Bird 早鸟票 299(Sold Out 售罄)

Pre-sale 预售 399  

At Door 现场 499

Limited Animal Edition 限量动物票 499

Animal Tickets Privilege
special entry 现场专属入口
exclusive survival kit 动物道具包
one free drink 免费兑换一杯啤酒

Scan the QR code or click "Read More" to get your tickets.

Click "Read More" to get your tickets.

点击 “阅读原文” 进入购票页面