专栏名称: 广东疾控
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Watch Out for Getting IT by Dirty Hands 小心手脏惹到它

广东疾控  · 公众号  · 养生  · 2017-06-19 22:28


Coxsackieviruses are part of the enterovirus family of viruses (which also includes polioviruses and hepatitis A virus) that live in the human digestive tract. They can spread from person to person, usually on unwashed hands and surfaces contaminated by feces, where they can live for several days.


In most cases, coxsackieviruses cause mild flu-like symptoms and go away without treatment. But in some cases, they can lead to more serious infections.


Coxsackievirus can produce a wide variety of symptoms. About half of all kids infected with coxsackievirus have no symptoms. Others suddenly develop high fever, headache, and muscle aches, and some also develop a sore throat, abdominal discomfort, or nausea. In most kids, the fever lasts about 3 days, then disappears.


Coxsackieviruses can also cause several different diseases that affect different body parts, including:


Hand, foot, and mouth disease , a type of coxsackievirus syndrome, causes painful red blisters in the throat and on the tongue, gums, hard palate, inside of the cheeks, and the palms of hands and soles of the feet.

手足口病: 一种柯萨奇病毒感染综合征,感染后会在喉咙、舌头上、牙龈、硬腭、脸颊内侧以及手掌和脚底长出疼痛的红色水泡。

Herpangina , an infection of the throat which causes red-ringed blisters and ulcers on the tonsils and soft palate, the fleshy back portion of the roof of the mouth.

疱疹性咽峡炎: 感染后会在扁桃体、软腭以及口腔上部出现带红边的水泡和溃疡。

Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis , an infection that affects the whites of the eyes. Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis usually begins as eye pain, followed quickly by red, watery eyes with swelling, light sensitivity, and blurred vision.

出血性结膜炎: 感染后会影响眼白,出血性结膜炎一般会先引起眼睛疼,随后眼睛很快变红、水肿、畏光以及视力模糊。


预  防

There is no vaccine to prevent coxsackievirus infection.


Hand washing is the best protection. Remind everyone in your family to wash their hands frequently, particularly after using the toilet (especially those in public places), after changing a diaper, before meals, and before preparing food. Shared toys in childcare centers should be routinely cleaned with a disinfectant because the virus can live on these objects for days.


Kids who are sick with a coxsackievirus infection should be kept out of school or childcare for a few days to avoid spreading the infection.


(来源: 美国KidsHealth from Nemours
