What is the smoothest thing you have ever said to a woman?
Sean Kernan, Son of Quora
Answered Fri
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She went to shake my hand and said "Hello I am Erica."
I said, "Hello. Yes, I’m Sean. We met a few weeks ago at The Lodge (a bar in Tampa)."
She said "Oh really! I’m sorry."
"No! It isn't a problem. It was sort of crazy. Lots of people squished in there. You are from Naples, correct? Are you still studying accounting?"
She smiled, "Yes!" and looked impressed.
It was that simple. Nothing fancy. Just showed that I cared enough to remember details.
When girls say they are looking for the L word, they think they mean "Love" but what they really mean is "Listens".
squish:vt. 把...挤扁、压扁;vi. 发出嘎吱声;