Micrometeorites contain magnetite, a naturally magnetic form of iron oxide, commonly known as lodestone. Mr Larsens first step was therefore to pass his slurry, about 300kg of it, past a magnet and keep anything that stuck. He then examined the 30kg or so of
that resulted under a microscope, to hunt for cosmic dust. Micrometeorites melt as they zip through Earths atmosphere at speeds of around 12km a second. The
then cool into spherical grains, and the minerals of which these are composed take on a distinctive
appearance (see picture). An experienced eye, such as Mr Larsen’s, can thus pick them out from other particles, which tend to be jagged and lack these markings. Altogether, he found about 500 of these “spherules”, each around 300-400 microns in diameter (a few times the width of a human hair).