专栏名称: exosomes
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exosomes  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2017-06-28 21:29


这周三跟大家分享的是来自Oncotarget 的Glioma stem cells-derived exosomes promote the angiogenic ability of endothelial cells through miR-21/VEGF signal。

摘要: 胶质瘤干细胞( GSCs )在胶质母细胞瘤预后中起重要作用。外泌体( EXs )可通过递送微小 RNA miRs )介导细胞通信。成胶质细胞瘤具有高水平的 miR-21 ,后者可以上调血管内皮生长因子( VEGF )表达。我们假设 GSC-EX 可以通过 miR-21 / VEGF 信号通路促进内皮细胞( ECs )的血管生成能力。我们从 U-251 细胞株中分离出 GSC ,后者具有干细胞标记 CD133 。通过转染或不转染 scramble miR-21 mimic 的方法,我们得到 GSC-EXs con GSC-EXs sc

GSC-EXs miR-21 。人脑内皮细胞( EC )与 vehicle GSC-Xs con GSCEXs sc 共同培养或 GSC-EXs miR-21 VEGF siRNA siRNA VEGF )。 24 小时后,我们评估了 ECs 的血管生成能力,并测定了 miR-21 VEGF p-Flk1 /VEGFR2 的水平。结果表明: 1 )超过 90 %的纯化 GSCs 表达 CD133;2 )通过 miR-21 mimic 转染, VEGF miR-21 GSCs GSC-Exs 中提高 ; 3 )与 GSC-EXs con GSC-EXs sc 相比, GSC-EXs miR-21 更有效提高 Ecs miR-21 VEGF 的水平及 p-Flk1 /VEGFR2 的比例。 4 GSC-EXs miR-21 在促进血管生成能力方面也比其他更有效,其效果亦可被 siRNA VEGF 预处理后显着降低。结论 :GSC-EXs 可以通过激活 miR-21 / VEGF /VEGFR2 信号通路,促进 ECs 的血管生成能力。

背景 :肿瘤干细胞参与肿瘤生长、放化疗耐受。 GSCs 参与肿瘤血管形成及血清去除后细胞死亡耐受。 miR-21 (肿瘤 miR )存在于多种肿瘤中,可促进细胞分裂及迁移。 VEGF 在星形胶质细胞瘤血管生成有重要作用。过表达 miR-21 可以增加前列腺细胞系的 VEGF 的表达。 GSCs 可以产生高水平 VEGF 进而促进肿瘤血管形成。


1.分离 GSCs anti-CD133 conjugated beads 及流式分选)

Figure1: MACS purification of GSCs from U-251 cells and characterization of GSCs by flow cytometry. GSCs were defined as CD133 + cells, which were separated by using MACS and assessed by flow cytometry for determining the efficiency of purification.( A ) Representative flow plots showing the percentage of CD133 + cells in U-251 cells and the purified GSCs; left curve: isotype control; right curve: antibody; ( B )summarized data showing the percentage of CD133 + cells before and after MACS; * p < 0.05, vs. U-251 cells. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM; n =3/group. MACS: magnetic activated cell sorting

2.通过转染改变GSCs的miR-21水平,并测定VEGF mRNA的水平

Figure 2: Up-regulation of miR-21 by miR-21 mimic transfection increased VEGF mRNAexpression in GSCs. The purified GSCs were transfected with miR-21 for 48 hrs, and the levels of miR-21 and VEGF were determined by qRT-PCR. ( A B )the levels of miR-21 and VEGF in different types of GSCs; * p < 0.05,vs. GSCs con or GSCs sc ; Data are expressed as mean ± SEM; n =4/group


Figure 3: Up-regulation of miR-21 in GSCs by miR-21 mimic transfection increased the levels of miR-21 and VEGF mRNA expression in GSC-EXsmiR-21. ( A ) representative NTAplots showing the same pattern of the size distribution of the three types ofGSC-EXs; ( B ) summarized data showing the concentration of EXs. ( C )CD63 expression in the collected EXs. * p < 0.05, vs. GSCs; ( D E )summarized data showing the levels of miR-21 and VEGF in various types ofGSC-EXs. * p < 0.05, vs. GSC-EXs con or GSC-EXs sc ; Data are expressed as mean ± SEM; n =4/group.

4.GSCs 来源外泌体被 Ecs 吞噬后物质含量变化

Figure 4: Incorporation of various GSC-EXs into ECs and GSC-EXsmiR-21 had better effects on increasing miR-21 level and VEGF secretion of ECs. ( A ) left:Representative images showing the incorporation of GSC-EXs into ECs; bar: 100μm; red: PKH26 labeled GSC-EXs; blue: DAPI counterstained nucleus; right: summarized data showing the fluorescence intensity in ECs co-cultured with the three types of GSC-EXs; ( B ) summarized data showing the level of miR-21in ECs co-cultured with the three types of GSC-EXs; ( C ) summarized data showing the concentration of VEGF in the culture medium of ECs co-cultured withGSC-EXs. * p < 0.05, vs. vehicle; + p < 0.05, vs. GSC-EXs con or GSC-EXs sc ; Data are expressed as mean ±SEM; n = 4/group.

