专栏名称: 能源学人
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  能源学人


能源学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-16 13:17


香港城市大学王健团队DEEP课题组现面向海内外招聘博士后研究人员4名, 研究方向可为下述其中之一或相关领域:1)电解池或燃料电池装置及系统创新;2)电化学电池的传热/传质研究;3)先进电池检测及回收技术;4)先进材料合成及表征技术。另外课题组提供联合培养博士及访问学者机会。也欢迎有共同研究兴趣的专家学者交流合作。有意向者欢迎发送简历及简短research proposal至[email protected]。由于时间精力有限,可能只有少数符合条件者会收到回复。

DEEP (Dynamic Electrochemical Energy Process) group has several openings for post-doctoral fellows and visiting scholars. Successful candidates should demonstrate strong motivation, critical thinking ability, as well as effective writing and communication skills. Friendly group environments, high-level research facilities, competitive salary, and overseas exchange/conference/research opportunities, will be offered. To apply, please contact Prof. Jian WANG directly ([email protected])  with the CV attached. Review of applications will begin immediately until the positions are filled. Due to the busy schedule, maybe only qualified candidates will receive replies to the inquiries.

工资待遇: 视研究背景,提供25000-40000港币月薪,另帮助缴纳5%香港政府强积金,退休或者离港时可取。希望不晚于2025年3月入职,特别优秀者工资及入职时间可议。

The positions offer a competitive monthly salary ranging from HKD 25,000 to 40,000, inclusive of Mandatory Provident Fund benefits.

课题组简介 王教授团队DEEP ( D ynamic E lectrochemical E nergy P rocess) 课题组依托香港城市大学能源与环境学院。城大在 2025 年 QS 世界大学排名中位列全球第62位,亚洲大学排名第10位,在 2025年泰晤士报高等教育世界大学排名中位列全球第80 位,在USNEWS 2024年全球排名中位列全球第79 位。城大能源与环境学院是香港唯一以能源为主题的学院/系,能源科学与工程专业排名香港第一。DEEP课题组致力于电化学能源转换过程中的动态机制研究,研究主题涵盖能源、电化学、材料等学科。课题组研发了一系列原位/实时装置,跨尺度监测电化学电池(燃料电池,锂离子电池,电解池)在不同运行工况下的动态响应,从而阐释机理,提高性能。课题组和多家海外同步辐射光源机构建立了合作关系,可为能源材料提供先进光源表征。目前课题组处于扩张阶段,愿招纳有志之士,同心同德,开展有影响力的能源研究.详情请见课题组网站: https://www.echem-energy.com/

The DEEP (Dynamic Electrochemical Energy Process) group, based on the School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong, is dedicated to advancing sustainable energy technologies. DEEP focuses on understanding and modulating electrochemical cells for sustainable energy conversion and storage applications, including fuel cells, electrolyzers, and batteries. CityU was ranked #62 worldwide in the QS World University Rankings 2025, #80 worldwide in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025, #79 worldwide in the USNEWS 2024 Global Rankings. DEEP group has developed a series of in-situ/operando setups to monitor the dynamic responses of electrochemical cells (fuel cells, lithium-ion batteries, electrolyzers) across various operational conditions. This enables the elucidation of mechanisms and enhancement of performance. The research group has established collaborations with several overseas synchrotron radiation facilities, providing advanced characterization of energy materials. Currently, the research group is in an expansion phase and welcomes individuals with aspirations and a shared vision to engage in impactful energy research. For more information, please visit the research group's website: https://www.echem-energy.com/

课题组负责人: 王健, 本科毕业于西安交通大学能动专业,博士毕业于香港科技大学机械工程专业并于美国西北大学材料系联合培养。博后工作于首尔大学化学系。目前发表期刊论文90余篇, H 因子38。其中以通讯/第一作者身份发表论文40余篇,包括Nature Catalysis和Nature Energy等。独立成组三年以来王教授以通讯作者身份在包括EES, Chem, Advanced Materials, ACS Energy Letters等多种期刊上发表过工作。王教授曾获得国家优青(海外),入选Stanford大学能源领域全球top 2%终身科学家名单。

The PI of the DEEP group: Prof. Wang obtained his BEng degree in Energy, Power System, and Automation Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University (China) with distinguished honors (top 0.2%) in 2013. After that, he took one year of postgraduate study at the same university under the supervision of Prof. Tianjian Lu. He worked as a visiting pre-doctor fellow at Northwestern University (USA) in 2017 and received his PhD degree majoring in mechanical engineering with a research excellence award (top 2%) from HKUST in 2018. Before joining the School of Energy and Environment at CityU of Hong Kong in 2021, he worked as an SNU Science Fellow researcher at Seoul National University (Korea).

写在最后 希望我们一起做点有意义的研究,相互成就!欢迎有科研追求的有志青年加入。

Let’s grow and flourish together!



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