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英文早点丨0906 - Costco大陆首店开业被挤爆“停业”

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2019-09-06 07:01



8月27日,美国最大的连锁会员制仓储超市Costco(好市多)于中国大陆的首家门店在上海闽行区开业。开业当天,Costco被挤爆,茅台、大牌包包等被疯抢。停车需等位3小时,结账需排队2小时,周边道路拥堵严重。由于人流过大,Costco于下午宣布暂停营业。作为美国最大的连锁会员制超市,成立于1976年的Costco在全球11个地区设有超过770家分店,会员量超9600万,也是全美第二大、全球第七大零售商。据美国权威财经媒体《巴伦周刊》报道,摩根士丹利高管西米恩•古特曼(Simeon Gutman)亲自见证了Costco上海店的开业,他在一份报告中指出,中国可能会“开辟”Costco的另一个增长阶段,该国不断壮大的中产阶级一直被视为各行各业的机遇。


Grammar must be learned through language, and not language through grammar. ——Herder


The opening of the first Costco store in China, in the commercial capital of Shanghai, was a scene of chaos. Shoppers lined up for hours to get into the store upon opening, ducking under the roller door as it inched up from the ground. They fought over Birkin bags and Moutai liquor. There was a three-hour wait for a space in the parking lot — and sometimes longer in checkout lines.

By the afternoon, the discount retail store was in such chaos that it had to close early. “Please don’t come,” Costco said in an alert sent to members, who paid $28 to join for a year. Beyond the chaos, they illustrated an important political point. The Chinese and American economies are inextricably intertwined. Chinese shoppers want American products, especially at bargain prices, and American companies want Chinese shoppers.

President Trump a week ago ordered — without the authority or the ability to do so — American companies to leave China. Chinese state media outlets responded by gleefully pointing out some of the big-name American companies, including Costco, that are doing just the opposite.

文本选自 The Washington Post(华盛顿邮报)

作者: Anna Fifield and Rachel Siegel

原文标题 Shoves, brawls and shouts: Welcome to Costco’s opening day in China

原文发布时间 :02 Sept. 2019



英 [ʃʌv] 美 [ʃʌv]

  • v. 猛推;乱挤;推撞;乱放;随便放;胡乱丢;随手扔

  • n. 猛推


英 [brɔːl , bɔːl]       美 [brɔːl , bɔːl]

  • n. 喧闹;斗殴;闹事

  • v. 打斗;闹事


英 [əˈlɜːt]       美 [əˈlɜːrt]

  • adj. 警觉的;警惕的;戒备的;意识到;注意到

  • v. 向…报警;使警觉;使警惕;使戒备;使意识到;使认识到

  • n. 警戒;戒备;警惕;警报


英 [ˌɪntəˈtwaɪn] 美 [ˌɪntərˈtwaɪn]

  • v. (使)缠结,缠绕在一起;紧密相连



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