Stable China market buildout: GMO corn seeds boost growth; rice revenue spike
H1E preview:
Long Ping High-Tech released a preview of its 24H1E earnings with net profit at RMB90m-120m, a turnaround from the RMB161m loss a year ago, while ex-nonrecurring net loss deepened to RMB290m-220m from the RMB64m loss a year ago.
2)水稻:保持行業領先,上半年較快增長。2024H1水稻產業營業收入較上年同期增長超過 20%,淨利潤較上年同期增加約 0.65 億元。
3)此外,公司通過股權轉讓方式爲隆平生物引進具有資源性優勢的戰略性股東,將持有隆平生物的 10.94%股權轉讓給中央企業鄉村產業投資基金,本次交易預計增加公司當期投資收益約 3.4 億元(屬於非經常性損益)。
Takeaway: we believe Long Ping has a clear lead in China’s seed industry in view of stable growth in its core revenue drivers of corn and rice.
Long Ping’s push for the genetically modified (GMO) corn business has yielded strong results. It publicized the first batch of transgenics and obtained the highest number of approved varietals for commercialization and promotion in 24H1. Its success in GMO varietals increase the potential to contribute incrementally to the main varietals business, which would strengthen total corn business prospects.
Long Ping leads the rice production market and business grew quickly in H1, with revenue up by over 20% yoy and net profit increasing by about RMB65m yoy.
Strategic stake cut:
the company reduced its stake in Long Ping Biotech (LP Bio) to 5% by transferring 10.94% to the Centrally Managed SOEs’ Rural Industry Investment Fund, which simultaneously expanded the fund’s stake in LP Bio to 45%. We reckon Long Ping High Tech’s strategic move boosted current investment income by about RMB340m (a non-recurring impact).
1)匯兌損失增加較多。24H1受美聯儲持續加息週期影響,境外匯率波動較大,公司境外子公司中長期外幣貸款產生的匯兌損失同比增加約 2.8 億元,使得財務費用較上年同期大幅增加,影響24H1利潤。
Brazil: heavy FX losses; weak corn seed market dragged profit; NRA direct loans
Volatile FX:
foreign exchange losses deepened in 24H1 with volatile FX rates, a result of the US Federal Reserve’s continuous interest rate hike cycle. FX losses worsened by about RMB280m yoy for Long Ping’s foreign subsidiaries’ medium and long-term foreign currency loans, increasing financial expenses on a yoy basis, which hurt 24H1 profits.
Corn seed price fall:
falling corn seed prices in Brazil have put Brazilian companies’ earnings under pressure. Corn seed prices started to rise in 2018 and reached a peak in 2022, after which they sloped off in 2023. Long Ping’s seed price volatility is due are affected by food prices, which is expected to have an impact on Brazil’s seed profits.
NRA direct loans:
Long Ping started to use cross-border RMB direct loans in 24H1 through non-resident account (NRA) lending facilities, which helped its subsidiaries refinance their loans and reduce FX risks. As the company’s FX and asset management ability matures, we believe its foreign business growth will stabilize.