Once a really good, portable, patient-friendly BCI is available, it is not hard to think of medical conditions that affect a large number of people and could potentially justify surgery. More than 50m people worldwide suffer from epilepsy, and 40% of those do not respond to medication. Depression affects more than 300m people worldwide; many of them might benefit from a BCI that monitored the brain for biomarkers of such mental disorders and delivered appropriate stimulation. The quality of life of many older people suffering from dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing) could be improved by a device that helped them swallow whenever they wanted to. “A closed-loop system for recording from a brain and responding in a medically useful way is not a small market,” says Dr Hochberg.
That may still bring to mind the aphorism of Peter Thiel, a Silicon Valley grandee, about having been promised flying cars and getting 140 characters. There is a large gap between dreamy talk of symbiosis with AI, or infrared eyesight, and taking years to build a better brain implant for medical purposes. But if a device to deliver a real-time, high-resolution, long-lasting picture of neural activity can be engineered, that gap will shrink spectacularly.
这可能仍然会让你想到硅谷名人彼得·泰尔(Peter Thiel)的那句名言:我们想要一辆会飞的车,得到的却是140 个字符。在人机共生体、红外视觉这类梦幻般的构想和花很多年打造一个更好的医用脑植入物之间,有着巨大的差距。但是,如果我们能够设计出一套设备来描绘出一幅实时、高精度、长久持续的神经活动图像,那么这个距离将惊人地被缩短。