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11-04 国际期刊速递丨今日热点:淀粉样心肌病、超声心动图、肺动脉吊带、心脏病、CABG

心关注  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2020-11-05 18:25



Echocardiography Early Recent, Nov 03, 2020 今日发布 02
Neth Heart J Early Recent, Nov 03, 2020 今日发布 02
Echocardiography Early Recent, Nov 04, 2020 今日发布 03
EClinicalMedicine Early Recent, Nov 04, 2020 今日发布 01




Echocardiography Article
Hiroki Usuku, Seiji Takashio, etc.
70 用户推荐阅读本文
我们先前报道,根据 Kumamoto 标准,高分(2分或3分),高灵敏度心肌肌钙蛋白T(hs-cTnT)≥0.308 ng/mL,心电图QRS长度≥120 ms,左心室后壁厚度≥13.6 mm,增加了疑似经甲状腺素淀粉样心肌病(ATTR-CM)患者99mTc-标记焦磷酸盐(99mTc-PYP)显像的预试验概率。然而,一些得分较低(0或1分)的患者在99mTc-PYP闪烁显像上显示阳性结果。因此,我们评估了额外检查的有效性,包括超声心动图评估心肌应变,以提高这些患者99mTc-PYP闪烁显像的预试验概率。
我们根据Kumamoto 标准对109名年龄≥70岁且得分较低的患者进行了99mTc-PYP闪烁扫描检查。19名患者(17%)的99mTc-PYP显像阳性。99mTc-PYP显像阳性患者的相对根尖纵向应变(LS)指数(根尖LS/基底LS) mid LS(RapLSI)显著高于阴性患者(1.04±0.37 vs 0.70±0.28,P<0.01)。多变量logistic回归分析显示,高RapLSI(≥1.04)与99mTc-PYP阳性显著相关(优势比,14.14;95%可信区间,3.36‐59.47;P<.01>
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Early Recent, Nov 04, 2020


Echocardiography Article
Giulia Elena Mandoli, Maria Concetta Pastore, etc.
Non‐invasive screening for early diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD) represents a key element in the never‐ending challenge to reduce cardiac death. Stress/rest electrocardiogram often lacks diagnostic accuracy, especially in asymptomatic patients, in fact the latest guidelines for the diagnosis and management of chronic coronary syndromes (CCS) stated the superiority of functional imaging techniques for the detection of subtle myocardial ischemia and the evaluation of myocardial viability (MV). Stress echocardiography is the most accessible and inexpensive imaging method for the study of CAD, either with pharmacological or with exercise provocative stress, based on visual wall‐motion assessment. However, in some cases, such as small coronary lesions or microvascular angina, it loses its diagnostic power, therefore requiring a more sensitive approach. Accordingly, in the last years many authors investigated the possible additive value provided by the integration of an advanced but easy‐to‐obtain technique, that is speckle tracking imaging, to stress echocardiography, reaching promising results; nevertheless, its use is not included in the latest recommendations for CCS. The present review discusses the potential benefits from using a combination of speckle tracking and stress echocardiography for the early detection of myocardial ischemia and the assessment of MV and its suitability in different clinical scenarios, basing on the available evidence.
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Early Recent, Nov 04, 2020


Echocardiography Article
Yanhua Qi, Huanhuan Huo, etc.
Pulmonary artery sling (PAS) and tracheal agenesis (TA) are rare diseases, and most cases of PAS are associated with tracheal bronchial malformations. However, PAS associated with TA is yet to be reported. We report a case of PAS with TA diagnosed prenatally. Due to the extremely low incidence, physicians do not have sufficient understanding of these diseases and it is challenging to diagnose these diseases by prenatal ultrasound, with high rates of misdiagnosis. Prenatal examination of the pulmonary artery branches, trachea, and esophagus is useful; therefore, improving the accuracy of prenatal diagnosis will help in perinatal management and counseling.
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Early Recent, Nov 04, 2020


Neth Heart J Point of View
W. R. Berger, V. Baggen, etc.
昨天 23:50
The COVID-19 pandemic has overwhelmed healthcare systems worldwide, and a large part of regular cardiology care came to a quick halt. A Dutch nationwide survey showed that 41% of cardiology residents suspended their training and worked at COVID-19 cohort units for up to 3 months. With tremendous flexibility, on-call schedules were altered and additional training was provided in order for residents to be directly available where needed most. These unprecedented times have taught them important lessons on crisis management. The momentum is used to incorporate novel tools for patient care. Moreover, their experience of pandemic and crisis management has provided future cardiologists with unique skills. This crisis will not be wasted; however, several challenges have to be overcome in the near future including, but not limited to, a second pandemic wave, a difficult labour market due to an economic recession, and limitations in educational opportunities.
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit cardiology patients hard, as they are susceptible to a severe course of their disease [1]. Due to the very rapid and unprecedented increase of COVID-19 patients, the regular cardiology care came to a quick halt. Cardiology residents all over the Netherlands were reallocated to COVID-19 cohort units. With tremendous flexibility, on-call schedules were altered and additional training was provided in order for residents to be directly available where needed most.
A questionnaire of the Junior Board ( Juniorkamer ) of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology ( NVVC ) showed that 41% of cardiology residents were involved in frontline COVID-19 care throughout the Netherlands (Fig. 1). The questionnaire was completed by 122 residents from 36 clinics in the Netherlands; residents at every stage of the 6‑year training programme from all 15 so-called ‘A-clinics’ (i.e. clinics which are leading the training programme) were included. They worked at COVID-19 cohort units for 1–3 months, while regular training programmes were suspended. When the pandemic hit hard, these young doctors felt a great responsibility to do whatever they could—within their competencies—and to do their share on the wards and intensive care units. A similar pattern was seen worldwide [2].
The willingness of staff to enable reallocation of a large part of the residents proved to be of great support. After the first decline in the number of COVID-19 patients in Dutch hospitals, it is time to think about the lessons learned and to reshape the future.
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Early Recent, Nov 03, 2020


Neth Heart J Original Article – Study Design Article
G. J. van Steenbergen, D. van Veghel, etc.
昨天 23:50
11 用户推荐阅读本文
Background After coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), healthcare utilisation is high and is partly unplanned. eHealth applications have been proposed to reduce healthcare consumption and to enable patients to get actively involved in their recovery. This way, healthcare expenses can be reduced and the quality of care can be improved.
Objectives We aim to evaluate whether the use of an eHealth programme can reduce unplanned healthcare utilisation and improve mental and physical health in the first 6 weeks after discharge in patients who underwent CABG. In addition, patient satisfaction and use of the eHealth programme will be evaluated.
Methods For this single-centre randomised controlled trial, at least 280 patients referred for CABG will be included at the preoperative outpatient clinic and randomised to an intervention or control group. The intervention group will have access to an eHealth programme, which consists of online educational videos developed by the Dutch Heart Foundation and postoperative video consultations with a physician. The control group will receive standard care and will not have access to the eHealth programme. The primary endpoint is healthcare utilisation; other endpoints include anxiety, duration of recovery, quality of life and patient satisfaction. Participants will complete several questionnaires at 6 time points during the study.
Results Patient enrolment started in February 2020 and completion of the follow-up period is expected in August 2021.
Conclusion This randomised trial was initiated to test the hypothesis that patients who are partaking in our eHealth programme use less unplanned care and experience a better quality of life, less anxiety and a faster recovery than controls.
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Early Recent, Nov 03, 2020


