专栏名称: 宝马客
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宝马客  · 公众号  · 汽车  · 2017-07-15 20:43






《To Be Number One》--Giorgio Moroder

This is what we've worked for all our lives

Reaching for the highest goal we can

We choose to give it all

When competition calls

Time records the Victory in our hearts

To win or lose is not the only thing

It's all in how we play the fairest game

This is the chance we take

Reaching for the top

Time records the Victory in our hearts

To be number one

Running like the wind

Playing hard but always playing fair

(Oh year)

To be number one

Winning again and again

Reaching higher

Through Italian sky

This is what we've worked for all our lives

Shining like a shooting star at night

We've got to give it all

When we hear the call

Time records the Viictory in our hearts

To be number one

Running like the wind

Playing hard but always playing fair

(Oh year)

To be number one

Winning again and again

Reaching higher

Through Italian sky

To be number one

Running like the wind

Playing hard but always playing fair

(Oh year)

To be number one

Winning again and again

Reaching higher

Through Italian sky

Through Italian sky

To be number one

To be number one

Number one

