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Mailbutler – Apple Mail和Gmail的个人助理

GTDAsia搞定  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-11-02 12:00


简介: Mailbutler Apple Mail Gmail 的个人助理,新一代的先进邮件管理

SHORT DESCRIPTION: Mailbutler is your personal assistant for Apple Mail and Gmail that brings email into the 21st century

Mailbutler 是德国柏林的一家创业公司, Mailbutler Apple Mail Gmail 的一体化电子邮件个人助理。 Mailbutler Apple Mail Gmail 无缝兼容。它新添了邮件跟踪、延迟发送,暂时隐藏邮件,签名模板,便笺等功能。自两年前推出至今,数据显示 Mailbutler 已跟踪了超过 1.13 亿封电子邮件,暂时隐藏了 2000 万封电子邮件和延迟发送了 1000 万封电子邮件。该应用程序还与 Dropbox Evernote Google Drive 等多种系统完美兼容。

针对个人和团队的使用进行了全面优化,每天使用该系统的用户超过 100,000 名,他们将 Mailbutler 视作了每日不可或缺和可信赖的工具。 Mailbutler 将你的邮件管理真正的引入了 21 世纪。

LONG DESCRIPTION: From Mailbutler GmbH, a start-up company in Berlin, comes Mailbutler, an all-in-one email personal assistant for Apple Mail and Gmail. Mailbutler integrates seamlessly with both Apple Mail and Gmail. It adds features like Email Tracking, Send Later, Snooze, Signature Templates, Notes plus more to your inbox and to date, has recorded over 113 million tracked emails, 20 million snoozed emails and 10 million scheduled emails since it launched two years ago. The app also integrates perfectly with several services like Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive and more.

Fully optimised for individual as well as for team use, Mailbutler has become an indispensable and reliable servant to the over 100.000 users who use any of its numerous functions on a daily basis. Mailbutler truly brings your email to the 21st century.



  • 跟踪:
    - 开启跟踪:了解您发送的消息是否以及何时首次被打开
    - 链接跟踪:确定您的电子邮件中含有的链接是否已打开
    - 跟踪详细信息:了解您邮件打开的频率,时间,方式和设备类型

  • Tracking:

    - Open Tracking: Know if and when your outgoing message was opened for the first time

    - Link Tracking: Find out whether a link in your email has been opened

    - Tracking Details: Find out how often your message has been opened, when, how and with what kind of device

  • 电子邮件签名:
    - 别致的签名:提供多种不同风格的签名模板,既别致又职业化
    - 自定义签名模板:使用 Mailbutler 的模板设计器创建自定义签名模板
    - 共享签名模板:与整个团队共享您的自定义签名模板,以获得统一的企业标识

  • Email Signatures:

    - Beautiful Signatures: Beautiful and professional looking signatures are available as templates in different styles

    - Custom Signature Templates: Create custom signature templates by using Mailbutler's template designer

    - Shared Signature Templates: Share your custom signature templates with your whole team for a unified corporate identity

  • 生产力:

    - 暂时隐藏:暂时隐藏的电子邮件会从收件箱中消失,直到在您自己设置时再次弹出。


  • Productivity:

    - Snooze: Snoozed emails temporarily disappear out of your inbox and pop up again at the time that you set up yourself.

    - Send Later: Emails can be composed ahead of time, and scheduled for later delivery at any time in the future.

  • 备注和任务:

    - 备注: Apple Mail Gmail 中的电子邮件可以轻松转换为 Evernote 或其它记事系统中的备注



  • Notes & Tasks:

    - Notes: Email messages in Apple Mail and Gmail can be easily converted into notes in Evernote and other note services

    - Tasks: Associate todo items with email messages and get reminders about tasks connected to that message

    - Public Notes & Tasks:  Attach a note or a task to an outgoing email and make it available to the recipient of that email too

  • 消息模板:

    - 片段:保存要在电子邮件中重复使用的段落



  • Message Templates:

    - Snippets: Save short text snippets to be used repeatedly in your email communication

    - Message Templates: Prepare complete email messages as templates with personalised placeholders to use over and over again

    - Shared Templates: Share your text snippets and message templates with the whole team to make them more productive and unify your presentation

  • 撤消发送: 可以在发送后的特定时间段内撤销和修改已发邮件

  • 附件提醒: 每当您在邮件中提及电子邮件附件时,都会出现提醒,以免忘记添加附件。

  • 取消订阅: 每一个阅刊邮件的顶部都会显示 取消订阅 的按钮,让取消订阅变得容易

  • 云上传: Mailbutler 会自动将您的附件上传到云端,并创建相应的邮件链接

  • Undo Send: Outgoing messages can be recalled and corrected within a specific time period after they have been sent

  • Attachment Reminder: A reminder appears whenever you mention an email attachment in your message, but forget to actually attach one.

  • Unsubscribe: An ‘Unsubscribe’ button appears on top of every incoming newsletter to make unsubscribing as easy as never before.

  • Cloud Upload: Mailbutler automatically uploads your email file attachments to the cloud and and creates a corresponding link to the message

  • 团队特色:
    -团队管理:通过轻松添加 / 删除用户来控制对 Mailbutler 团队帐户的访问权
    -订阅的混合和匹配:您可以为团队中的特定人员制定不同的订阅计划 非常适合需要不同用途的团队

    -团队统计:将团队使用 Mailbutler 所提高的生产力数据做统计


  • Team Features:

    - Team Management: Control access to your Mailbutler team account by easily adding/removing users

    - Mix & Match of Subscriptions: You can have different subscription plans for particular people in your team - perfect for teams with varying use cases
