专栏名称: 唧唧堂
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  唧唧堂


唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-26 13:11


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: Morgan_Dory
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: 明月奴
推送编辑 | 悠悠

1. 从战略领袖到社会领袖:关于高管和董事会不断扩大的社会角色


Scholarship on strategic leadership and governance has long operated under the assumption that strategic leaders’ influence and purview are predominantly constrained by organizational boundaries. Recent events and social movements have called this limited view of strategic leadership into question, however. In this editorial commentary, we explore the emerging trend of strategic leaders becoming—in both their own and stakeholders’ perceptions—societal leaders advancing social change inside and outside their organizations. We examine the research implications of taking a broader view of these leaders’ responsibility, one that reflects evolving social expectations.

参考文献:Krause, R., & Miller, T. L. (2020). From Strategic Leaders to Societal Leaders: On the Expanding Social Role of Executives and Boards. Journal of Management, 46(8), 1315-1321.

2. 行为策略与COVID-19破坏


What can strategic management research do to help to make sense of the COVID-19 disruption, and what are the implications of the disruption for the strategy field? I argue that among the streams in strategy research, behavioral strategy is uniquely situated in terms of providing a psychologically based interpretive lens that could lend great insight into decision making in extreme conditions. However, the disruption also points to weakness in current behavioral strategy thinking, notably with respect to the role of models vis-à-vis judgment in strategic decision making, the deeply social (political, institutional) nature of strategy making, and the treatment of fundamental uncertainty.

参考文献:Foss, N. J. (2020). Behavioral strategy and the COVID-19 disruption. Journal of Management, 46(8), 1322-1329.

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3. 企业家精神、供应链管理和战略管理的交叉研究:新冠肺炎凸显的机遇


Since the early 2000s, research at the intersection of entrepreneurship and strategic management has flourished, as has work at the intersection of strategic management and supply chain management. In contrast, little inquiry has occurred at the intersection of entrepreneurship and supply chain management. This presents a tremendous opportunity, as does the relative lack of work bringing together all three fields. We seek to set the stage for exploiting these opportunities by first describing how incorporating a series of key supply chain concepts—omni-channel, last-mile delivery, supply chain agility, supply chain resiliency, and service recovery—could enrich entrepreneurship research. We then explain how the boundaries of key entrepreneurship concepts—opportunity, entrepreneurial orientation, optimal distinctiveness, bricolage, and fear of failure—could be extended to the supply chain context. Both of these moves bring strategic management concepts into play, as well. In accomplishing our tasks, we draw on examples from how firms attempted to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic via moves spanning entrepreneurship, supply chain management, and strategic management.

参考文献:Ketchen Jr, D. J., & Craighead, C. W. (2020). Research at the Intersection of Entrepreneurship, Supply Chain Management, and Strategic Management: Opportunities Highlighted by COVID-19. Journal of Management, 46(8), 1330-1341.

4. 合并,出售还是清算?社会情感财富,家庭控制和企业退出的选择


We take the perspective that considering the affective motives of dominant owners is essential to understanding business exit. Drawing on a refinement of behavioral agency theory, we argue that family-controlled firms are less likely than non-family-controlled firms to exit and tend to endure increased financial distress to avoid losses to the family’s socioemotional wealth (SEW) embodied in the firm. Yet, when confronted with different exit options and when performance heuristics suggest that exit is unavoidable, family firms are more likely to exit via merger, which we argue saves some SEW, although it is less satisfactory financially. In contrast, nonfamily firms are more likely to exit via sale or dissolution, options that are more prone to offer higher financial returns than mergers. Family and nonfamily firms thus show different orders of exit options. We find support for these arguments in a longitudinal matched sample of privately held firms.

参考文献:Chirico, F., Gómez-Mejia, L. R., Hellerstedt, K., Withers, M., & Nordqvist, M. (2020). To merge, sell, or liquidate? Socioemotional wealth, family control, and the choice of business exit. Journal of Management, 46(8), 1342-1379.

5. 失业不存在:失业状况,立法和面试要求


This research investigates whether and when a job applicant’s unemployment status (i.e., employed, short-term unemployed, or long-term unemployed) affects the probability of receiving an interview request by examining interview request rates in the presence of versus absence of unemployment status antidiscrimination legislation. In response to 3,335 fictitious resumes sent to 1,237 online job postings in Los Angeles and New York City, we received an overall interview request rate of 10.37. Long-term unemployed applicants were less likely to receive an interview request than short-term unemployed applicants in Los Angeles but not in New York City, which has unemployment status antidiscrimination legislation. These findings are supplemented with self-report survey data about perceptions of the unemployed from 200 hiring personnel in New York City and Los Angeles. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed for the unemployment, job search, and selection literatures.

参考文献:Trzebiatowski, T. M., Wanberg, C. R., & Dossinger, K. (2020). Unemployed needn’t apply: Unemployment status, legislation, and interview requests. Journal of Management, 46(8), 1380-1407.

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6. 早上重新安排白天的工作和工作投入:日间调解


Reattachment to work (i.e., rebuilding a mental connection to work) before actually starting work is important for work engagement during the day. Building on motivated action theory, this study examines anticipated task focus, positive affect, and job resources (job control and social support) as mediators that translate reattachment in the morning into work engagement during the day. We collected daily-survey data from 151 employees (total of 620 days) and analyzed these data with a multilevel path model. We found that day-level reattachment to work in the morning predicted anticipated task focus, positive affect, social support, and job control through goal activation and that anticipated task focus, positive affect, social support, and job control predicted work engagement during the day. This study points to the important role of reattachment to work in employee experiences and behaviors throughout the workday and specifically highlights the benefits of such initial mental boundary crossing between life domains for employee engagement at work.

参考文献:Sonnentag, S., Eck, K., Fritz, C., & Kühnel, J. (2020). Morning reattachment to work and work engagement during the day: A look at day-level mediators. Journal of Management, 46(8), 1408-1435.

7. 规则复杂性对组织违规和补救的影响:来自餐厅健康检查的证据


Organizational noncompliance with legal rules can be consequential. The antecedents of such noncompliance as well as the remediation of it thus remain enduring subjects of research inquiry. However, prior studies have implicitly treated all rules alike. In contrast, we argue that rules are not all the same and that differences between rules might be systematically linked to variations in the likelihoods of noncompliance and remediation across the range of organizations under the purview of a rule system. We consider the role of two fundamental but distinct sources of rule complexity: components (i.e., sections that compose a rule) and connections (i.e., functional links to other rules in the same system). We analyzed data from 81,266 rule-level observations from 1,011 health inspections of 289 restaurants in Santa Monica, California, conducted from 2007 to 2010. As hypothesized, increases in either source of rule complexity were associated with higher probabilities of noncompliance. Unexpectedly, however, the two sources of rule complexity had divergent effects on remediation such that increases in the number of connections were associated with higher probabilities of repeated noncompliance, whereas increases in the number of components were not. Taken together, we suggest that our understanding of noncompliance and remediation can be enhanced by viewing them both as rule-level phenomena. A range of implications for theory and practice are discussed.

参考文献:Lehman, D. W., Cooil, B., & Ramanujam, R. (2020). The effects of rule complexity on organizational noncompliance and remediation: Evidence from restaurant health inspections. Journal of Management, 46(8), 1436-1468.

8. 协作、中断和转换时间:医院工作人员图表的工作流模型和实证研究


Problem definition: Collaboration is important in services but may lead to interruptions. Professionals exercise discretion on when to preempt individual tasks to switch to collaborative tasks. Academic/practical relevance: Discretionary task switching can introduce changeover times when resuming the preempted task and, thus, can increase total processing time. Methodology: We analyze and quantify how collaboration, through interruptions and discretionary changeovers, affects total processing time. We introduce an episodal workflow model that captures the interruption and discretionary changeover dynamics—each switch and the episode of work it preempts—present in settings in which collaboration and multitasking is paramount. A simulation study provides evidence that changeover times are properly identified and estimated without bias. We then deploy the model in a field study of hospital medicine physicians: “hospitalists.” The hospitalist workflow includes visiting patients, consulting with other caregivers to guide patient diagnosis and treatment, and documenting in the patient’s medical chart. The empirical analysis uses a data set assembled from direct observation of hospitalist activity and pager-log data. Results: We estimate that a hospitalist incurs a total changeover time during documentation of five minutes per patient per day. Managerial implications: This estimate represents a significant 20% of the total processing time per patient: caring for 14 patients per day, our model estimates that a hospitalist spends more than one hour each day on changeovers. This provides evidence that task switching can causally lead to longer documentation time.

参考文献:Weller, I., Süß, J., Evanschitzky, H., & von Wangenheim, F. (2020). Transformational leadership, high-performance work system consensus, and customer satisfaction. Journal of Management, 46(8), 1469-1497.

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9. 变革型领导,高性能工作系统共识和客户满意度


We use human resources (HR) system strength theory to argue that transformational leadership leads to employee consensus on a unit’s high-performance work system (HPWS), that consensus helps align employee attitudes, and that a compression in attitudes facilitates strategy execution and unit-level outcomes. Empirical tests based on a 4-year linked employee–customer panel data set, involving 255 do-it-yourself stores, support our predictions. Transformational leadership is positively related to HPWS consensus. Consensus is negatively associated with unit-level job satisfaction dispersion, which in turn relates positively to unit-level customer satisfaction. Our study makes important contributions to the strategic HR and HR system strength literatures, highlighting the roles of leadership and employee consensus in strategy execution.

参考文献:Weller, I., Süß, J., Evanschitzky, H., & von Wangenheim, F. (2020). Transformational leadership, high-performance work system consensus, and customer satisfaction. Journal of Management, 46(8), 1469-1497.
