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每日外刊 | 1224_波音737频频“冒泡”遭停产

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2019-12-24 22:12



2018年10月,印尼狮航一架737 MAX客机发生空难,第一次为波音敲响警钟。2019年3月,悲剧重演,埃塞俄比亚航空一架737 MAX客机起飞后坠毁,造成157人死亡。五个月内发生两起空难,让波音的安全性备受质疑。事故发生后,全球近50个国家和地区先后宣布了针对波音737 MAX的停飞禁令。而针对空难的调查显示,该机型新增的“机动特征增强系统”(MCAS)在测试、审查上存在种种漏洞,使波音深陷信任危机。2019年4月,波音宣布,为应对全球停飞,将737 MAX飞机减产19%,由每月生产52架调低至每月42架。终于,12月16日,波音决定“断臂求生”,他们将从2020年1月起,暂停737 MAX飞机的生产,以维持“长期生产系统和供应链的健康”。


A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.


Boeing will halt production of its troubled 737 MAX

Commercial aviation makes up the bulk of Boeing’s revenues. Military-minded top brass of its large defence arm would be excused for seeing that business as a case study in tactical and strategic failure. After two crashes of its 737 max airliners, which killed 346 people and were linked to a defective flight-software system, the bestselling model was grounded around the world in March.

Yet Boeing continued to make the plane even though it could no longer deliver new ones to customers. Now it is in retreat. On December 16th, with around 800 new and used flightless jets lying idle, the firm decided to halt production in January until the max is permitted back in the air. The upheaval may at last force a rethink at Boeing—and at Airbus, its European rival.

For months Boeing seemed to treat the max’s travails as a brief spell of turbulence that passengers forget as soon as the drinks trolley arrives. It continued to pay a handsome dividend even as it converted employees’ car parks into storage space for undelivered planes. It repeatedly reassured airlines that the aircraft would be back in the air in no time—and was proved wrong again and again.

文本选自 :The Economist(经济学人)

原文标题 :Boeing will halt production of its troubled 737 MAX

原文发布时间 :18 Dec. 2019


早起卡 ☞ 一个真正快乐的人是那种在走弯路时也不忘享受风景的人。

翻译卡 ☞ 上班穿紧身打底裤奇怪吗?

商业航空是波音公司的主要收入来源。该公司大型防务部门中具有军事头脑的高层官员,可将该业务视为战术和战略失败的一个案例。在两起导致346人死亡、与飞行软件系统缺陷有关的波音737 max客机坠毁事件后,这款最畅销的机型于今年3月在全球停飞。




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