* Have one or more classes or resources been modified so that a reload
* is appropriate?
public boolean modified() {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
// Checking for modified loaded resources
int length = paths.length;
// A rare race condition can occur in the updates of the two arrays
// It's totally ok if the latest class added is not checked (it will
// be checked the next time
int length2 = lastModifiedDates.length;
if (length > length2)
length = length2;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
try {
long lastModified =
((ResourceAttributes) resources.getAttributes(paths[i]))
if (lastModified != lastModifiedDates[i]) {
if( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug(" Resource '" + paths[i]
+ "' was modified; Date is now: "
+ new java.util.Date(lastModified) + " Was: "
+ new java.util.Date(lastModifiedDates[i]));
return (true);
} catch (NamingException e) {
log.error(" Resource '" + paths[i] + "' is missing");
return (true);
length = jarNames.length;
// Check if JARs have been added or removed
if (getJarPath() != null) {
try {
NamingEnumeration enumeration =
int i = 0;
while (enumeration.hasMoreElements() && (i < length)) {
NameClassPair ncPair = enumeration.nextElement();
String name = ncPair.getName();
// Ignore non JARs present in the lib folder
if (!name.endsWith(".jar"))
if (!name.equals(jarNames[i])) {
// Missing JAR
log.info(" Additional JARs have been added : '"
+ name + "'");
return (true);
if (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
NameClassPair ncPair = enumeration.nextElement();
String name = ncPair.getName();
// Additional non-JAR files are allowed
if (name.endsWith(".jar")) {
// There was more JARs
log.info(" Additional JARs have been added");
return (true);
} else if (i < jarNames.length) {
// There was less JARs
log.info(" Additional JARs have been added");
return (true);
} catch (NamingException e) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug(" Failed tracking modifications of '"
+ getJarPath() + "'");
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
log.error(" Failed tracking modifications of '"
+ getJarPath() + "' : " + e.getMessage());
// No classes have been modified
return (false);
这段代码从总体上看共分成两部分,第一部分检查 web 应用中的 class 文件是否有变动,根据 class 文件的最近修改时间来比较,如果有不同则直接返回
,如果 class 文件被删除也返回
。第二部分检查 web 应用中的 jar 文件是否有变动,如果有同样返回
。稍有编程经验的人对于以上比较代码都容易理解,但对这些变量的值,特别是里面比较时经常用到 WebappClassLoader 类的实例变量的值是在什么地方赋值的会比较困惑,这里就这点做一下说明。