说墨西哥航空,为我们打开了一扇通往拉美的大门,毫不为过!过去一周,上海 含税 3K+ 往返墨西哥,古巴,秘鲁;一波未平,首尔出发 含税2K+往返 秘鲁,智利,阿根廷..... 很多同学由此第一次敲开了拉美的大门,曾经遥远而神秘,有心无力的南美:马丘比丘,巴塔哥尼亚,潘帕斯草原,甚至南极,都不再是一个梦
Machu Picchu 先上图片!
Exco Me?
马丘比丘被隐藏在秘鲁库斯科西北部的岩石乡村,并且被当作是印加文化(和玛雅文化都是同一时期的古文化)领导人的皇室或神圣宗教场所,而其文明在16世纪被西班牙侵略者几乎完全消灭了。数百年来,要不是直到美国考古学家Hiram Bingham在1911年的偶然发现,恐怕这做被遗弃的城堡的存在只被生活在该地区农民所认识。该地段延伸了5英里远,拥有超过3000个石阶,并连接了不同的层阶。如今,成千上万的世界游客每年都在马丘比丘步行,来势汹涌的人潮占满了整个山头,就为见到在高耸的石头古迹上的日落,并惊叹于世界上最着名的人造奇迹之一的神秘辉煌。
Tucked away in the rocky countryside northwest of Cuzco, Peru, Machu Picchu is believed to have been a royal estate or sacred religious site for Inca leaders, whose civilization was virtually wiped out by Spanish invaders in the 16th century. For hundreds of years, until the American archaeologist Hiram Bingham stumbled upon it in 1911, the abandoned citadel’s existence was a secret known only to peasants living in the region. The site stretches over an impressive 5-mile distance, featuring more than 3,000 stone steps that link its many different levels. Today, hundreds of thousands of people tramp through Machu Picchu every year, braving crowds and landslides to see the sun set over its towering stone monuments and marvel at the mysterious splendor of one of the world’s most famous manmade wonders.
在马丘比丘建筑后的大概100年后, 大概是西班牙在1530年代开始征服强大的哥伦布前期文明阶段,就被废弃了。然而,并没有证据表明征服者曾袭击甚至达到其山顶城堡, 正由于这样,有人才认为,是由于当地的天花病所导致的废弃。
Historians believe Machu Picchu was built at the height of the Inca Empire, which dominated western South America in the 15th and 16th centuries. It was abandoned an estimated 100 years after its construction, probably around the time the Spanish began their conquest of the mighty pre-Columbian civilization in the 1530s. There is no evidence that the conquistadors ever attacked or even reached the mountaintop citadel, however; for this reason, some have suggested that the residents’ desertion occurred because of a smallpox epidemic.
如今许多现代考古学家认为马丘比丘是印加皇帝和贵族的皇家庄园. 而也有人认为,这是一个宗教场所,因其邻近山脉的地理特征的指向,表示印加人是神圣的。自从马丘比丘首次向世界公布以来,数十种替代假设出现了,学者纷纷将其视为监狱,贸易中心,新作物测试站,妇女撤退点或皇帝加冕城市所在地等
Did You Know?
Machu Picchu is made up of more than 150 buildings ranging from baths and houses to temples and sanctuaries. Many modern-day archaeologists now believe that Machu Picchu served as a royal estate for Inca emperors and nobles. Others have theorized that it was a religious site, pointing to its proximity to mountains and other geograp
hical features that the Incas held sacred. Dozens of alternate hypotheses have cropped up in the years since Machu Picchu was first unveiled to the world, with scholars variously interpreting it as a prison, a trade hub, a station for testing new crops, a women’s retreat or a city devoted to the coronation of kings, among many examples.
在1911年夏天,美国考古学家Hiram Bingham到达秘鲁带领着一队探险家希望找到Vilcabamba,最后一个印加落入的西班牙要塞 。他们选择徒步旅行,骑着骡子,Bingham和他的团队用自己的方式从Cuzco抵达Urubamba峡谷,在那他们遇见了一位当地的农民,农民告诉他们在附近的一座山顶上有一些遗迹。农民还提到他们称该座山为马丘比丘,翻译成当地Quechua语为“旧峰”。 7月24日,在攀登完寒冷刺骨和潮湿的山脊后,Bingham碰到了另外一群农民,并给他们一行指明了剩下去马丘比丘的路。一个11岁的小孩带队,Bingham一眼就瞟到了石头梯所标志的马丘比丘入口的复杂路线网。
In the summer of 1911 the American archaeologist Hiram Bingham arrived in Peru with a small team of explorers hoping to find Vilcabamba, the last Inca stronghold to fall to the Spanish. Traveling on foot and by mule, Bingham and his team made their way from Cuzco into the Urubamba Valley, where a local farmer told them of some ruins located at the top of a nearby mountain. The farmer called the mountain Machu Picchu, which translates to “old peak” in the native Quechua language. On July 24, after a tough climb to the mountain’s ridge in cold and drizzly weather, Bingham met a small group of peasants who showed him the rest of the way. Led by an 11-year-old boy, Bingham got his first glimpse of the intricate network of stone terraces marking the entrance to Machu Picchu.
In the midst of a tropical mountain forest on the eastern slopes of the Peruvian Andes, Machu Picchu’s walls, terraces, stairways and ramps blend seamlessly into its natural setting. The site’s finely crafted stonework, terraced fields and sophisticated irrigation system bear witness to the Inca civilization’s architectural, agricultural and engineering prowess. Its central buildings are prime examples of a masonry technique mastered by the Incas in which stones were cut to fit together without mortar.