专栏名称: 中国物理学会期刊网
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中国物理学会期刊网  · 公众号  · 物理  · 2017-07-25 09:45




时间: 7月26日(周三)15:00




岳骞博士,清华大学工程物理系副教授,中国暗物质合作组(China Dark matter EXperiment,CDEX)共同协调人、实验组组长,中国锦屏地下实验室(China Jinping Underground Laboratory, CJPL)物理科学部负责人。主要研究领域:暗物质实验、中微子实验、辐射探测技术研发等。973项目子课题《高纯锗阵列暗物质实验预研》负责人,中德科学家合作研究项目《应用于基础研究的新型高纯锗探测技术研发》中方项目负责人,国家重点研发计划重点专项《高纯锗阵列直接探测暗物质实验》首席科学家,主持和参加多项国家自然科学基金面上、重点、委主任基金等项目,近年来发表学术论文数十篇。

2IceCube and the Discovery of Energetic Cosmic Neutrinos   

报告人:Albrecht Karle,University of Wisconsin-Madison




The IceCube Neutrino detector at the South Pole uses more than a billion tons of natural ice as a target for neutrino detection.IceCube detects more than 100,000 neutrinos per year from GeV to PeV energies. While most of them originate from cosmic rays hitting the Earth’s atmosphere, IceCube has identified a flux of neutrinos above 100 TeV that is predominately of cosmic origin.

The speaker will discuss the detector, the analysis of the data and the findings obtained, as well as new strategies to extract more information. Plans for next generation neutrino detector optical and radio detectors, IceCube-Gen2 and ARA will be presented.

3CHY Off-Shell and Loop Amplitudes 

报告人:蓝志成,McGill University



地点:Conference Hall 322, ITP

A CHY representation for off-shell scalar tree diagrams is presented. From this ANY loop diagram can be obtained just by folding the appropriate off-shell legs. In this way one avoids using higher-genus worldsheets in the string formulation. Simple examples are given to illustrate these rules.

4Quantization of the self-gravitating scalar field without the deparametrization II  

报告人:Jerzy Lewandowski,University of Warsaw




We reconsider the Rovelli-Smolin model of gravity coupled to the Klein-Gordon time field with an eye towards capturing the degrees of freedom of the scalar field lost in the framework in which time is deparametrized by the scalar field. Several results will be discussed:(i) a Hilbert space for the gravity-matter system and a non-standard representation of the scalar field thereon(ii) the corresponding operator for the scalar constraint of the coupled system(iii) methods for solving the constraint. Commutators of the new constraint do not vanish, but seem to reproduce a part of the Dirac algebra. This, however, poses problems for finding solutions. As a side result we describe a representation of the gravitational degrees of freedom in which the flux is diagonal. This representation bears a strong resemblance to the BF vacuum.

5Pre-inflationary universe in loop quantum cosmology       

报告人:Anzhong Wang,Zhejiang University of Technology & Baylor University



地点:ITP New Building 6420

Loop quantum cosmology (LQC) provides an elegant resolution of the big bang singularity by a quantum bounce in the deep Planck era. To study perturbations in such a framework two main approaches have been proposed, the deformed algebra and dressed metric approaches. With some reasonable assumptions, the deformed algebra approach is already ruled out by current observations. In this talk, I shall first give a brief review on LQC and explain the reasons why the deformed algebra approach is inconsistent with observations. Then, I shall present our recent results on the investigations of the dressed metric approach. In particular, I shall show that, when the kinetic energy of the inflaton dominates at the quantum bounce, the evolutions of the flat FLRW background and its linear (scalar and tensor) perturbations are always universally divided into three different phases before reheating: bouncing, transition and slow-roll inflation.

6Quantum Inspired Photonics

报告人:Liang Feng,the University of Pennsylvania

时间: 7月28日(周五)10:00



In this seminar, I will present our recent efforts on the quantum inspired photonics where quantum symmetries (such as parity-time symmetry) guide the design of nanophotonics for unprecedented optical properties. Although it was widely believed that optical loss is detrimental in photonic applications, I will start from an opposite viewpoint and develop a new paradigm of positively manipulating optical losses, demonstrating unidirectional light-matter interaction tailored at a "quantum" exceptional point in the complex dielectric permittivity domain. Moreover, I will discuss harnessing optical losses for unique microlaser functionality. In particular, I will focus on an orbital angular momentum (OAM) microlaser that structures and twistes the lasing radiation at the microscale, which is expected to address the growing demand for information capacity. These quantum explorations not only provide positive impacts on fundamental quantum physics but also facilitate technological breakthroughs in photonic materials. Hence, researches in quantum inspired photonics of such two-fold benfits are advancing both fields simultaneously.









1. 物理学咬文嚼字之八十七:何反常之有?

2. 超导“小时代”之二十:“绝境”中的逆袭

3. 源自软磁畴段的布洛赫线链行为研究

4.  光子的帽子戏法

5.  Kagome光纤超快非线性光学研究进展

6.  催化产氢新进展:利用原子级分散的铂—碳化钼催化剂低温高效产氢

7.  准晶体发现者Shechtman给年轻科学家的忠告

8.  给宇宙做仿真

9. 硬X射线调制望远镜——中国第一颗X射线天文卫星 ||专访 卢方军 张双南

10. 黑板的力量



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