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英文悦读  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-01-22 21:54









It is better for students to live away from home when they are at university than to live with parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



In some countries, university students live at home, whereas in other countries university students go to other cities and do not live with family. Do you think the advantages for living away from home during university outweigh the disadvantages?

Being admitted to university is a step towards adulthood, which puts a high value on independence. However, in some countries, university students are opting to live with parents rather than independently living in other cities during university. I believe that the disadvantages for it outweigh the advantages when independence cultivation and social competence are taken into consideration.

Leaving the parental nest and living in the halls of residence in other cities can develop undergraduates’ independence. It is because when they move into a new environment and live away from their past support system that they are forced to become more resilient and survive independently at the university. For example, tidying up the room by themselves, washing and mending their clothes alone, doing a part-time job to pay for their own bills, maintaining good health to deal with loads of study etc. Clearly, those chances to develop mental and behavioural independence are hard to come by through staying with parents during college.

In addition to independence fostering, boarding in the university can help students fully involved in campus life, which plays an important part in the socialization of undergraduates. In effect, leaving home to go to university is a rite of passage. Without parental prying eyes, undergraduates can freely throw themselves into activities and make friends with people from different social and cultural backgrounds. This helps undergraduates boost their confidence and develop social skills, such as teamwork and communication. In contrast, university students who live with their parents are less likely to socialize with their fellow students because they remain in their pre-university social groups, and more likely to feel isolated from their peer group at the university.

In conclusion, I am convinced that benefits for boarding university rather than living home are more significant than drawbacks, because, for undergraduates, this is not only an opportunity to develop independence but also a process of socialization.


Being admitted to university is a step towards adulthood, which puts a high value on independence. However, in some countries, university students are opting to live with parents rather than independently living in other cities (不一定是住在其他城市,住在本市也有可能,可以直接改成 rather than live independently)during university. (前面已经有提到 university students, 因此 during university 可以删去)I believe that the disadvantages for (介词使用有误,应改成 of)it outweigh the advantages when independence cultivation and social competence are taken into consideration.

Leaving the parental nest and living in the halls of residence in other cities (与前面的 leaving the parental nest 表意重复,可删去)can develop undergraduates’ independence. It is because when they move into a new environment and live away from their past support system that they are forced to become more resilient and survive independently at the university. (survive 这个词用得有点重,整个句子可以改成 That is because when they live away from home comfort, they have to be resilient and learn to acquire necessary life skills.)For example, tidying up the room by themselves, washing and mending their clothes alone, doing a part-time job to pay for their own (赘词,删去)bills, maintaining good health to deal with loads of study (loads of 是很口语化的表达,用在正式写作里面不合适,这里可以改成 to learn effectively)etc. Clearly, those chances to develop mental and behavioural independence are hard to come by through staying with parents during college.

In addition to independence fostering, boarding in the university can help students get fully involved in campus life, which plays an important part in the socialization of undergraduates. (改成 developing interpersonal skills)In effect, leaving home to go to university is a rite of passage. Without parental prying eyes, (改成 without the prying eyes from parents)undergraduates can freely throw themselves into activities and make friends with people from different social and cultural backgrounds. This helps undergraduates (undergraduate 在这一段重复了很多次,这里可以改成 them)boost their confidence and develop social skills, such as teamwork and communication. In contrast, university students who live with their parents are less likely to socialize with their fellow students because they remain in their pre-university social groups, and are more likely to feel isolated from their peer group at the university.

In conclusion, I am convinced that the benefits for boarding university rather than living at home are more significant (改成 outweigh)than the drawbacks, because, for undergraduates, this is not only an opportunity to develop independence but also a process of socialization.





It is better for students to live away from home when they are at university than to live with parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?












University students today are given more latitude in deciding whether to live away from their families or not. While opting to remain home-based may save money and offer some convenience, adopting a different lifestyle yields more long-term benefits.

Leaving the parental nest helps youngsters develop independence and prepares them for life’s demands and challenges. Families can act as a shelter and paradoxically, a constraint for youths: a shelter under which they can survive and thrive; a constraint for those who grow reliant on indulgent parents and find it difficult to acquire life skills. By dispensing with home comfort, students have the chance to try out new things and solve problems themselves, whether it be fixing domestic appliances or cooking a meal. In this process, they gain practical experience and lay a solid foundation for future self-reliance.

Youngsters living with their peers can better cultivate interpersonal skills, for they are provided with precious opportunities to learn important lessons about open-mindedness and cooperation, from showing respect for roommates’ personal habits to dealing with minor conflicts. Such skills will hold them in a good stead in terms of career development, given that companies large and small have placed a premium on team spirit. Moreover, being school-based has academic perks. College students are able to make and maintain a friendship with their classmates, who can be supportive during group work and collaborative learning. It is also easier for them to get access to educational facilities, i.e. libraries, laboratories, etc.

Granted, there are certain disadvantages of moving away from parental supervision. Young people living beyond the reach of their parents may fall prey to instant gratification, such as video games, alcohol and drugs. Rising rents could also become a heavy burden. However, as youngsters learn to be more self-disciplined and seek out financial support by doing part-time jobs or applying for a grant, this will not prove to be much of a problem.

In conclusion, I am convinced that the benefits of living away from home outweigh the drawbacks. For those who pursue independence and social maturity, flying the nest is something they should opt for.



Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment; only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
