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沪江英语  · 简书  · 英语  · 2017-12-28 21:25




一些老外的惯用词和口头短语就来自于其中的一些电视节目和电影 ,如果你对影视感兴趣,首先得了解下面这些行话。

Popcorn movie

爆米花电影指你几乎纯粹为了娱乐而观看的电影。 虽然有一些电影能够引发人的思考,给予人们一个新的生活视角,但爆米花电影不能,它们也不是为此而生的。相反,它们之所以会产生,就是为了让你暂时地摆脱世俗责任,享受生活。 你可以看着这些类型的电影,吃着爆米花,忘记你在世上的烦恼。

A popcorn movie is one that you watch almost purely for entertainment. Instead, they are made for you to get out of your worldly responsibilities for a moment and just enjoy your life. You can watch these types of movies, eat some popcorn and forget about the worries that you have in the world.



Get the show on the road

如果有人告诉你“在路上进行演出”(get the show on the road),意思是 他们正在敦促你开始一些事情! 他们并不是在某处等待完成准备工作,而是希望你开始进行工作,即使可能会有一些错误和阻碍你的工作进程的事情。

If someone tells you to get the show on the road, they are urging you to get started on something! Rather than waiting somewhere for the preparation to finish, they want you to start, even if there might be some mistakes and things that hinder your progress.

这个习语 来自以前移动马戏团的生活方式 。马戏团带上他们的帐篷、动物、设备等,从一个城镇转移到另一个城镇。如果他们被困在一个城市里,做一些收拾整理的事情,那么他们就没有办法赚钱。因此,与之相反,他们需要在路上进行表演,并推广自己的表演来赚取更多的钱。



I know you are worried about leaving something important behind, but we have our passports and cash for our trip to Japan so let's get this show on the road!


Live up to the hype

如果某件事情(特别是电影或者节目)符合宣传炒作,这意味着两件事情 。一是,这意味着对这件事件有足够的话题性或者炒作宣传。人们(例如影评人,博主)会热衷于为这件事情宣传炒作。

If something (typically a movie or a show) lives up to the hype, it means two things. First, it means that there is enough interest in it, or hype. People (such as movie critics, bloggers, etc.) will get excited for something by generating hype for it.

比如,在泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的专辑发行日之前,他们通常会将会发布日期告诉大家,并不断用专辑中的歌曲来挑逗大家。 这就产生了很多炒作,更重要的是,期望。



I was not too sure how many details I wanted to share with my audience before the launch of my new podcast because I wanted it to live up to the hype.


Jerry thought for sure the new Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, Spiderman Homecoming, was going to fall short of the expectations of the fans. To his surprise, however, it really lived up to the hype!

杰里以为新的漫威电影“蜘蛛侠回归”(Spiderman Homecoming)会辜负粉丝们的期望。然而,令他惊喜的是,它完全没有辜负大家的期待!

Break a leg

这个习语 来源于演员和其他表演者的迷信天性 。他们中的许多人认为,如果你祝福他们好运,相反的事情就会发生!因此,他们的朋友和同伴可能会告诉他们说祝断腿,这并不是说要给他们招致霉运,而是 寓意着祝他们好运

This idiom comes as a result of the superstitious nature of actors and other performers. Many of them think that if you wish them good luck, the exact opposite will happen! Instead of jinxing them, their friends and fellow actors may tell them to break a leg, metaphorically, to have good luck!


My husband is trying out a new standup comedy routine tonight at the coffee shop. I told him to break a leg!


I know you really do not need the luck with all the practice that you have been putting in, but make sure to break a leg!


Jump the shark

这是一个半贬义的术语, 用来描述一些质量下降的电视节目(偶尔也会用来形容一些电影) 。这些节目曾经是非常了不起的值得关注的节目,但是由于种种原因,它们开始加入牵强的情节和特效来维持收视率。但是,他们本应该以其他方式来维持节目的质量。

This is a semi-derogatory term used to describe certain television shows (and occasionally some films) that have decreased in quality. It used to be something completely amazing and worth watching, but they have, for one reason or another, begun to use far-fetched plots and special effects to maintain ratings.


“跳鲨鱼”来自电视剧《欢乐时光》(Happy Days) ,这是二十世纪七十年代和八十年代初的一部关于美国中西部一些青少年理想化生活的情景喜剧。在第五季的某一集中,主角跳过了一个鲨鱼。 这个情节与角色的个性不符,结果,这一幕被认为是一个荒谬可笑的情节设计,也标志着评分下降的开始。


I thought that there were lots of story lines that the writers of my favorite TV show could have developed, which would have brought in more viewers. However, they decided to jump the shark and have two characters that should have hated each other start to date instead.


It takes a lot of time and energy to create a television show that really appeals to a lot of viewers, and turn those viewers into dedicated fans. Still, I believe that it would be better for the TV network to decide to end a series when it should end rather than jump the shark simply for the ratings. It ruins the show!


To make a clown of yourself

小丑应该是滑稽的,来娱乐大众的。他们有的时候会被认为是做各种令人发笑的事情的荒谬人物。因此,如果说你在扮小丑的话, 表示你正在做让人发笑的事情。这通常不是你有意去做的事情。 相反,你可能打算认真地一件事情。

If you make a clown of yourself, you are doing something that makes people laugh.This is usually not something you do intentionally. Instead, you probably intend to do something seriously.

然而,并非你自己的错误,最终你却以扮小丑为终 ——或看起来像一个傻瓜。这个成语通常不是指一件好事。 虽然说有的人真的喜欢小丑,但在这种情况下,小丑指的是很无知的人。


Ada was so scared to make a clown of herself that she ended up doing a terrible job at her performance anyways.


Kelly did not mean to make a clown of her coworker but the coworker was trying to exaggerate their role in the project so much without understanding that it was embarrassing for everyone who was listening.


To be in the limelight

如果你在聚光灯下,那你就在公众的眼中。这意味着除了你所做的一切工作之外,还有一些人真的关心着你的私生活 。他们会想要知道你的私生活,包括你的约会对象、你的家庭、你典型的一天是什么样的、你空闲时间喜欢做什么。因此,你的身边经常会有狗仔队和记者。人们对你的个人生活感兴趣,这意味着人们会采取措施来了解你。

If you are in the limelight, you are in the public eye. This means that there are people who actually care about your personal life aside from all the work that you do.

这个表达 来自以前戏剧界的做法 。聚光灯(Limelight)是一种实际的光线,也被称为“钙光”。这种明亮的白光是通过在加热的氧气和氢气中放入一块石灰而产生的。它被用于舞台灯光,而且现在仍然存在。


Dylan tried to avoid the publicity as much as possible, but he was in the limelight all the time because of his new major hit movie.


The public's interest is always wandering, so even though you are in the limelight it is difficult to keep the attention on you.


To steal the show


Somebody that steals the show is one that the audience pays the most attention to, even though the creators of the show did not intend for her to be the star.
