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首发 . Poul Kjærholm 流淌的优雅痕迹

始室  · 公众号  · 家居 设计  · 2024-09-20 10:00






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Kjærholm Residence by Poul Kjærholm

从丹麦设计之都哥本哈根溯厄勒海峡而上,宁静的海滨小镇朗斯泰德(Rungsted)拥有一颗鲜为人知的现代主义设计史上的明珠。这座两层楼的别墅坐落在岩石海岸线上,由之前一个旧网球场的基础结构改建而成,经过精心修复后恢复了上世纪中期的风采。这座别墅建于 1962 年,由传奇的中世纪设计师 Poul Kjærholm和他的妻子、建筑师 Hanne Kjærholm共同打造。新修复的 Kjærholm 住宅体现了设计者独特的设计理念,是他们现代主义原则永恒的见证。
Just up the Øresund Strait from the Danish design capital of Copenhagen, the quiet coastal town of Rungsted is home to a lesser-known jewel of modernist design history. Perched atop a rocky shoreline, a two story villa, built from the infrastructure of an old tennis court that preceded it, has been lovingly restored to its midcentury glory. Constructed in 1962, the home was brought to life by the legendary midcentury designer Poul Kjærholm and his wife, architect Hanne Kjærholm. Embodying the distinct design philosophies of its creators, the newly restored Kjærholm Residence is a testament to the timelessness of their modernist principles. 

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在过去的十年中,这对夫妇的儿子托马斯(Thomas)作为这方面的专家完成了将住宅恢复到 20 世纪 60 年代原貌的任务。托马斯在按照原设计对厨房进行现代化改造的同时,也克制住了引入现代元素的冲动。托马斯说:“其他一切都没有改变,也不会改变。”他选择保留大部分原有家具,保持住宅原汁原味的中世纪美感。

The mission of bringing the home back to its 1960s condition has been carried out over the last decade by an expert on the matter: the couple’s son, Thomas. While modernizing the kitchen in a manner consistent with the original design, Thomas has otherwise resisted the urge to introduce contemporary elements. “Nothing else has been changed or will be,” says Thomas, who has instead opted to salvage much of the original furniture and maintain the home’s authentic mid century aesthetic.

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作为室内设计的建筑师,Poul 专门为每个房间设计了家具,确保每个元素都有其功能性目的,同时又能与住宅的建筑语言融为一体。除了内置座椅和储物空间外,Kjærholm 的许多标志性作品,如 PK54 桌子、PK61 茶几和 PK31 沙发,都是在这栋住宅的墙壁中构思出来的。“托马斯说:"事实上,他在 1957 年至 1962 年期间设计的所有作品都是为我们家设计的。这些定制的作品线条简洁,材质考究,使住宅内部成为普尔创新设计方法的生动展示。

As the architect of the interior, Poul designed furniture pieces specifically for each room, ensuring that each element served a functional purpose while working within the home’s architectural language. In addition to built-in seating and storage, many of Kjærholm’s iconic pieces, like the PK54 table, PK61 coffee table, and PK31 sofa, were all conceived within the walls of this residence. “In fact,” Thomas notes, “everything that he designed between 1957 and 1962 was designed for our home.” These bespoke creations, with their clean lines and sophisticated materiality, establish the home’s interior as a living showcase of Poul’s innovative approach to design.

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设计 : Poul Kjærholm
摄影 : Fritz Hansen


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