Coincide: 一致,符合
Pagan: 异教的,异教徒的
God Saturn: (罗马神话中)农业之神
Though Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, there is no mention of December 25 in the Bible. Most historians actually believe Jesus was born in the spring, not the winter. And his birthday itself didn't become the official holiday until the third century. Some historian posit that the date was actually chosen because it coincided with the pagan festival of Saturnalia, which honored the agricultural god Saturn with celebrating and gift-giving. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Jolly: 愉快的,宜人的
Illustrator: 插画家
Craving a Coke yet? Give it a second. According to Coca-Cola, Santa used to look a lot less jolly —— even spooky. Go ahead, Google early images of Santa. We'll wait. It wasn't until the beverage company hired an illustrator named Haddon Sundblom in 1931 to create images of Santa for magazine advertisements that we got the warm and friendly Santa we know today. Now, kids wouldn't fear interrupting Santa's nightly work.
Turns out, we didn't originally go dashing through the snow for just Christmas. James Lord Pierpont wrote a song called "One Horse Open Sleigh" and performed it at his church's Thanksgiving concert originally. Then in 1857, the song was re-published under the title it still holds today, and it eventually became one of the most popular Christmas songs.
“叮叮当,叮叮当, 铃儿响叮当……”听到这首歌是不是感觉圣诞气息立马迎面而来?其实,这首歌原本是属于感恩节的!作者James Lord Pierpont为教堂的感恩节表演创作了这样一首儿童歌曲。1857年时,这首歌重新公开发表,并且流传至今,成为最经典的圣诞歌曲之一。
Puritan: 清教徒
Outlaw: 宣布...不合法
Notorious: 声名狼藉的
By the time the Puritans settled Boston, celebrating Christmas was outlawed. Talk about missing the Christmas spirit! From 1659 to 1681, anyone caught making merry would face a fine for celebrating the once-pagan day. And after the Revolutionary War, the new Congress found the day so unimportant that they even held the first session on December 25, 1789. Christmas wasn't proclaimed a federal holiday for nearly another century, proving that the Grinch's notorious hatred of the holiday was alive and well long before he was.
Edgy: 前卫的,先进的
Stand-in: 替身
Think "Xmas" is an edgy, relatively new way to abbreviate Christmas, or a secular attempt to take the Christ out of Christmas? Think again. According to From Adam's Apple to Xmas: An Essential Vocabulary Guide for the Politically Correct, the word "Christianity" was spelled "Xianity" as far back as 1100. X, or Chi, in Greek is the first letter of "Christ" and served as a symbolic stand-in. In 1551, the holiday was called "Xtemmas" but eventually shortened to "Xmas." So really, Xmas is just as Christian as the longer version.
Some families cook up a turkey for Christmas dinner, others go for ham, and still more go rogue and stick a leg of lamb or another protein in the oven. For the most prevalent meat, just ask Google: Searches for "ham" and "turkey" both spike during the month of December, according to Google Trends data. Despite the popularity of both festive entrees, spiral-cut ham remains the more popular choice for a Christmas table. The jury's still out on whether people prefer ham or turkey sandwiches the day after, though.