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【双语】外交部例行记者会 / MFA Regular Press Conference (2024年9月25日)

外交部发言人办公室  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-09-26 10:45



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian’s 
Regular Press Conference on September 25, 2024


China News Service: We noted that at the just concluded 2024 World Manufacturing Convention, Chinese companies shared the latest innovations in commercial aerospace, humanoid robot, quantum computer, among others. Some commented that China is turning from a follower into a pacesetter in tech innovation. Do you have any further comment?


Lin Jian: Science and technology is the primary productive force, and  innovation is the primary driver of development. The CPC and the Chinese government view tech innovation as the core of national development. After 75 years of relentless effort, China has established the most complete academic discipline system and the largest human resource pool, broken new ground in basic research and research of cutting-edge technologies, achieved new milestones in strategic high-tech fields, made new progress in innovation-driven high-quality development and accelerated the building of a higher-standard national innovation system. China ranked 12th in the 2023 Global Innovation Index released by WIPO, the only middle-income economy among the top 30.


In this globalized world where innovation factors flow across borders at scale like never before, no country can handle all difficulties in innovation alone, and humanity needs international cooperation, openness and sharing more than ever. Commitment to reform and opening up and mutually beneficial cooperation is the reason for China’s leapfrog development—this is our invaluable experience. Having participated in and benefited from globalization, and also contributed to and worked for globalization, China advocates and practices open, fair, equitable and non-discriminatory cooperation, and is committed to working with other parties to explore a new model for global innovation and cooperation that is win-win for all, share resources, match complementary advantages, and jointly resolve common challenges and difficulties. Going forward, China will, as always, advance international innovation cooperation and contribute to building a better world for all.


Bloomberg: China said it will investigate US apparel maker PVH Corp. for suspected boycotting of cotton sourced from Xinjiang. The Ministry of Commerce asked PVH to submit a written response in 30 days on whether it has adopted discriminative measures against Xinjiang-related products in the last three years. If found at fault, PVH Corp. could be added to an unreliable entity list, according to a 2020 order released by China. Is this connected to the US government’s plan of blocking the sale or import of vehicle software and hardware originating from China? And will China initiate similar investigations in more US companies?


Lin Jian: The Ministry of Commerce has made a response concerning the issue you asked about. Let me stress that the Chinese government is firmly committed to advancing high-standard opening up, upholding the multilateral trading system and defending the lawful rights and interests of various kinds of market entities. China always prudently handles issues related to the unreliable entity list, which only targets the very few foreign entities that undermine market rules and violate Chinese laws. There’s nothing to worry about for honest and law-abiding foreign entities.


CCTV: On September 24, at the 57th session of the UN Human Rights Council, over 100 countries spoke up to support China’s position on issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Xizang, and to oppose politicizing human rights issues. What’s China’s comment?


Lin Jian: On September 24, at the 57th session of the UN Human Rights Council held in Geneva, in response to the attacks and smears on China’s human rights situation by the US and a handful of countries, over 100 countries supported China’s just position and opposed the politicization of human rights issues in various ways, including making separate and joint statements. Cuba delivered a joint statement on behalf of nearly 80 countries. They stressed that issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Xizang are China’s internal affairs. They spoke against the politicization of human rights issues, the application of double standards and interference in other countries’ internal affairs in the name of human rights. They called on parties to abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, follow the principles of universality, impartiality, objectivity and non-selectivity, and respect the right of people of all countries to independently choose development path in accordance with their national realities. China delivered a joint statement on behalf of member states of the Group of Friends on the Promotion of Human Rights through Dialogues and Cooperation. They called on the UN Human Rights Council to play its due role for countries to accumulate trust and advance cooperation through dialogue and exchanges. Statements were made in support of China’s position by Uganda on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, Venezuela on behalf of the Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations, and Gambia on behalf of the African Group.


The fact that over 100 countries spoke up once again for justice and voiced support for China at the UN fully shows that the US and a handful of Western countries politicizing human rights issues finds no support in the international community, and such move is doomed to fail. China urges the US to deeply reflect on and earnestly address its domestic human rights issues, including racism, gun violence, social inequality, and infringement on the rights of refugees and immigrants, protect the human rights of its own citizens, stop interfering in other countries’ internal affairs and play a constructive role in international human rights cooperation.


Reuters: China said today that it has successfully launched an intercontinental ballistic missile to the high seas in the Pacific Ocean and that countries concerned have been notified in advance. A question is which countries did China notify and what path did the missile take? 


Lin Jian: The Ministry of National Defense has released information on that. I’d refer you to the Ministry of National Defense for your specific question.


Ukrinform News Agency: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with ABC News stated the Ukrainian side has evidence that Russia is using Chinese satellites to take a photo of nuclear power plants in Ukraine as part of preparations to potentially strike them. How can you comment on such a Ukrainian leader’s statement?


Lin Jian: I’m not familiar with what you mentioned. 


Reuters: Follow up to my question. Has the Ministry received any objections from the countries that China notified about the missile launch or from any other countries as well?


Lin Jian: I’d refer you to the Ministry of National Defense for your question.


Shenzhen TV: It’s reported that in the Global Financial Centers Index 36 Report jointly published by the UK’s Z/Yen and China Development Institute from Shenzhen, Hong Kong ranked third globally among 121 financial centers, moving up one place from the March issue of the index this year. What’s the Foreign Ministry’s comment?


Lin Jian: Under One country, Two systems, Hong Kong’s economy has flourished, and its status as an international financial, shipping and trading center continues to be consolidated. In particular, it remains a strong magnet with great influence and competitiveness as an international financial center, and has stayed among the top in the global financial centers index. The latest ranking represents another vote of confidence from the international community for Hong Kong’s unique status and advantages and the promising prospects of One country, Two systems. We have every confidence in Hong Kong’s outlook after it has restored order and is set to thrive. We welcome companies and talents from across the world to invest, do business and tap full potential there so as to benefit from Hong Kong’s development and One country, Two systems.


Reuters: We have a follow-up question on the ballistic missile. Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary has said that the missile launch is a matter of “serious concern” for Japan and the international community. And we would like to seek a comment on this.


Lin Jian: The readout released by the Ministry of National Defense pointed out that this test launch is a routine arrangement in the annual training plan. It is in line with international law and international practice and is not directed against any country or target. I’d suggest you direct the specific question to the Ministry of National Defense.


AFP: Israel said today that Hezbollah fired a missile on Tel Aviv for the first time ever. Is China concerned about the situation in the Middle East? Is China willing to facilitate a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah?


Lin Jian: At yesterday’s press conference, I stated China’s position on the current tensions between Lebanon and Israel. Let me reiterate that China calls on relevant parties to take measures immediately to cool down the situation, prevent further escalation of regional tensions, uphold peace and stability in the Middle East, and protect the safety of the people there. China stands ready to work with the international community towards this end.