专栏名称: 瑞达利欧RayDalio
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《每日原则》: 学生理解老师比老师理解学生更重要,尽管二者都重要。

瑞达利欧RayDalio  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-07-01 12:00



I have often seen less believable people (students) insist that the more believable people (teachers) understand their thinking and prove why the teacher is wrong before listening to what the teacher (the more believable party) has to say. That’s backward. While untangling the student’s thinking can be helpful, it is typically difficult and time-consuming and puts the emphasis on what the student sees instead of on what the teacher wants to convey. For that reason, our protocol is for the student to be open-minded first. Once the student has taken in what the teacher has to offer, both student and teacher will be better prepared to untangle and explore the student’s perspective. It is also more time-efficient to get in sync this way.



环球人物  ·  “反华妖女”破防:金主不给钱了!
16 小时前
南方人物周刊  ·  开学了,大学教授带孩子读四大名著学写作
17 小时前
每日人物  ·  金价暴涨,年轻人买0.1克金贴在手机上
17 小时前