农历己亥年“猪”年一公斤银币由澳洲珀斯铸币局铸造发行。中钞鉴定中心鉴评、封装,品相“等级十·未流通”,并加盖电子印章。银币正面图案为伊丽莎白女皇二世头像、国名、面额及年号。中文“猪”字及英文“Year of Pig”。该银币采用99.99的一公斤纯银铸造,面额为澳大利亚法定货币30元。该藏品总发行量2000枚。银币成色、重量均符合国际造币标准,谨此证明。 A kilogram of silver coins was issued by Perth Mint in the year of "pig" in the year of Chinese calendar. The identification center of Chinese banknote shall be appraised and sealed, and the product phase shall be "grade 10, not in circulation", and the electronic seal shall be affixed. The obverse of the silver coin shows the head, country name, denomination and year of Queen Elizabeth II. Chinese "pig" and English "year of pig". The silver coin is made of 99.99 kg pure silver, with the denomination of 30 yuan, the legal tender of Australia. The total circulation of the collection is 2000. This is to certify that the quality and weight of silver coins conform to the international standard of coinage.
【杂项精品】:历代名家文房用品、紫砂、田黄、瓷板画、鸡血石、牙雕、砚台古籍 善本、金银器等。