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#骄傲2020# 蕾妮·理查兹:唯一同时参加过大型男子网球赛与女子网球赛的选手

美国驻华大使馆  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-06-19 15:40


AP Photo/Dave Pickoff

#骄傲2020# 在1977年的美网公开赛中,蕾妮·理查兹(Renée Richards)创造了历史,她成为历史上唯一一个同时参加过大型男子网球赛与女子网球赛的选手,并被视为变性运动员的代言人。



#Pride2020# In the 1977 US Open, Renée Richards made history. She became the only player in history to have participated in both the men’s and women’s tennis competitions. She’s  seen as a spokesperson for transgender athletes.

Richards was a little-known amateur tennis player and a successful ophthalmologist who participated in the US Open five times as a male player. After undergoing transsexual surgery in the mid-1970s, whether she could compete as a female athlete caused widespread controversy. At that time, chromosome examination was used for the first time in the history of the US Open nearly 100 years, which became a necessary condition for female players to obtain qualifications. Richards sued the American Tennis Association for sex discrimination, and the New York Supreme Court finally ruled in her favor.
