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云讲堂预告 | 付灏达:Generative AI on Smooth Manifolds

统计之都  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-19 17:00



主题 :LLM Is Not All You Need. Generative AI on Smooth Manifolds

嘉宾 :付灏达

地点 :腾讯会议:400-385-453(或点击阅读原文)

时间 :2024年03月22日(周五)20:00


Generative AI is a rapidly evolving technology that has garnered significant interest lately. In this presentation, we'll discuss the latest approaches, organizing them within a cohesive framework using stochastic differential equations to understand complex, high-dimensional data distributions. We'll highlight the necessity of studying generative models beyond Euclidean spaces, considering smooth manifolds essential in areas like robotics and medical imagery, and for leveraging symmetries in the de novo design of molecular structures.


Dr. Haoda Fu is an Associate Vice President and an Enterprise Lead for Machine Learn ing, Artificial Intelligence, a nd Digital Connected Care from Eli Lilly and Company. Dr. Haoda Fu is a Fellow of ASA (American Statistical Association), and IMS Fellow (Institute of Mathematical Statistics). He is also an adjunct professor of biostatistics department, Univ. of North Carolina Chapel Hill and Indiana university School of Medicine. Dr. Fu re ceived his Ph.D. in statistics from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2007 and joined Lilly after that. Since he joined Lilly, he is very active in statistics and data science methodology r esearch. He has more than 100 publications in the areas, such as Bayesian adaptive de sign, survival analysis, recurrent event modeling, personalized medicine, indirect and mixed treatment comparison, joint modeling, Bayesian decision making, and rare events analysis. In recent years, his research area focuses on machine learning and artificial intelligence. His research has been published in various top journals including JASA, JRSS, Biometrika, Bio metrics, ACM, IEEE, JAMA, Annals of Internal Medicine etc.. He has been teaching topics of machine learning and AI in large industry conferences including teaching this topic in FDA workshop. He was board of directors for statistics organizations and program chairs, com
