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Aedas新作 | 长沙益丰大药房第二总部,健康与生态理念新诠释

ZaomeDesign  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2025-03-23 10:00


“这里不仅是守护民众健康的坚固堡垒,更是企业精神与生活态度的生动映射。”秉持设计初衷, Aedas全球设计董事王烨冰率团队在长沙国家高新技术产业开发区核心腹地,为医药领军企业益丰集团精心打造集智慧办公与生态示范于一体的战略性总部基地——益丰大药房第二总部, 重构了药企总部形象,更通过一系列绿色技术集成,重新定义健康产业建筑的可持续发展范式。

In the Changsha National High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Aedas Global Design Principal Kevin Wang has designed a strategic headquarters for Yifeng Group. The headquarters integrates intelligent office spaces with the nature, reshaping a benchmark for pharmaceutical headquarters. Through the integration of green features, it redefines the sustainable development of pharmaceutical industry.

A modern park that integrates ecology and culture

项目基地两面临路,紧邻规划中的麓谷CBD和麓谷公园,且处于“科创走廊”——桐梓坡路产业创新发展轴的黄金节点,具有较大的区域发展潜力。 基于此,该园区以生态基因为原点,规划“标志性企业空间、开放园区、多维漫步空间、引入生态绿植”四大核心策略, 力求成为区域产城融合的重要触媒,有效带动周边形成生物医药产业集群效应。

The headquarters is adjacent to the planned Lugu CBD and Lugu Park, which sits in the heart of the 'Innovation Corridor'. It is planned with four core strategies centered on ecology: iconic corporate space, open park, multi-dimensional walking space, and introduction of ecological greenery. It aims to become an important catalyst for regional industrial and urban integration, effectively driving the formation of a biopharmaceutical industry cluster in the surrounding area.

Advanced geographical advantages

High-quality and efficient office park


An integration of nature and people

整体规划结合企业未来发展的战略需求, 利用面向桐梓坡西路最佳的城市界面, 错落有致地布置四栋办公塔楼与商业配套, 在有限的高度内打造挺拔向上的塔楼形象群组,既塑造出丰富多变的建筑天际线,又巧妙凸显东南侧总部大楼的昭示性地位。 多层裙房以横向错动的方式围合成大尺度公共休闲空间,促进员工间的交流互动,同时营造出活力四射的办公园区氛围。 王烨冰强调:“兼顾功能性和美观性的同时,我们致力于创造能够促进人际交流与激发创意的优质环境。”

The overall planning meets the strategic needs of the company's future development. By utilising the prime urban interface facing Tongzipo West Road, four office towers and commercial facilities are arranged in a staggered formation. This creates an impressive, upwardly soaring tower image that shapes a rich and dynamic architectural skyline. The horizontally staggered podium forms expansive public leisure spaces, promoting employee interaction and creating a vibrant office atmosphere . Kevin shares, ‘By balancing functionality and aesthetics, we've created a high-quality environment that foster s interpersonal communication and sparks creativity.’
Layout planning

Landmark Buildings

Shaping a vibrant skyline

塔冠设计堪称建筑的点睛之笔,其灵感源自益丰品牌符号,将标志性大写字母“Y”进行艺术化转译,对塔楼东西立面进行划分内折处理,形成独特的Y字型背板延伸至塔冠,赋予建筑跃动而引人注目的视觉效果。 夜幕降临,塔楼从不同角度捕捉光线,营造出动态变化的光影效果,增强了建筑的层次感,承载着益丰“全天候守护,全方位放心”的承诺,成为保护公众健康的坚实后盾。

The crown design highlights the Yifeng brand symbol, with the iconic capital letter ‘Y’ is artistically displayed. The tower's east and west façades are divided and inwardly folded, forming a unique Y-shaped backdrop extending to the tower crown. This gives the building a dynamic and eye-catching visual effect. As night falls, the tower captures light from different angles, creating a dynamic light and shadow effect. It embodies Yifeng's commitment to become a stronghold for public health protection.

Massing generation


Representation of corporate culture

为了确保塔楼内部良好的采光和视野,立面设计选择大面积玻璃幕墙进行包裹: 建筑南北立面采用竖向突出的装饰性金属构件,强化塔楼主立面挺拔感;东西立面强调整体“Y”造型,体现企业精神,并利用折面幕墙弱化西晒。 这种将立面设计与需求一体化考虑的设计手法,使得在打造立体、丰富、精致的塔楼同时,兼顾建筑节能环保。

The façade design utilises glass curtain walls to ensure good lighting and views inside the tower. The north and south façades of the building feature vertically decorative me tal components. The east and west façades emphasise the overall ‘Y’ shape, reflecting the corporate spirit, and use folded curtain walls to weaken the western sun exposure. Th is design approach integrates faça de design with requirements, crea ting a three-dimensional and exquisite tower while also considering energy-saving and environmental protection.


Sustainable façade details
