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英文早点丨0801 - 贪腐造成的空难——连设计师都不让家人乘坐的“致命”客机?

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2019-08-01 07:01



2019年3月10日,埃塞俄比亚航空一架波音737 Max 8型飞机在起飞阶段坠毁,机上人员全部遇难。该航空难与2018年10月印度尼西亚狮子航空610号班机空难有较多共同之处,两起空难涉事机型均为机龄不足半年的737 Max 8,且皆在起飞阶段失事,均疑似因为攻角传感器故障或机动特性增强系统过度反应导致机师与计算机导航恶性对抗最终使得飞机失速坠毁。美国联邦航空局在一次模拟器测试中发现了波音737MAX系列飞机的“新风险”:当飞机防失速系统某个时候被激活后,用于控制飞机的“稳定器调整系统”经过较长时间后才开始工作,这有可能导致飞机发生“非指令性俯冲”,而飞行员很难在数秒内恢复飞机平衡——这会造成不可预知的风险。


Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the freedom to choose his attitude in any given set of circumstances. ——Frand


In the days after the first crash of Boeing’s 737 Max, engineers at the Federal Aviation Administration came to a troubling realization: They didn’t fully understand the automated system that helped send the plane into a nose-dive, killing everyone on board.

Engineers at the agency scoured their files for information about the system designed to help avoid stalls. They didn’t find much. Regulators had never independently assessed the risks of the dangerous software known as MCAS when they approved the plane in 2017. More than a dozen current and former employees at the F.A.A. and Boeing who spoke with The New York Times described a broken regulatory process that effectively neutered the oversight authority of the agency.

The regulator had been passing off routine tasks to manufacturers for years, with the goal of freeing up specialists to focus on the most important safety concerns. But on the Max, the regulator handed nearly complete control to Boeing, leaving some key agency officials in the dark about important systems like MCAS, according to the current and former employees.

文本选自 The New York Times(纽约时报)

作者 Natalie Kitroeff, David Gelles and Jack Nicas

原文标题 The Roots of Boeing’s 737 Max Crisis: A Regulator Relaxes Its Oversight

原文发布时间 :28 July 2019



英 [ˈəʊvəsaɪt] 美 [ˈoʊvərsaɪt]

  • n. 疏忽;忽略;失察;负责;照管


英 [ˈskaʊə(r)]      美 [ˈskaʊər]

  • v. (彻底地)搜寻,搜查,翻找;(用粗糙的物体)擦净,擦亮;冲刷成;冲刷出


英 [stɔːl] 美 [stɔːl]

  • n. 货摊,摊位,售货亭(尤指集市上的);牲畜棚;马厩;牛棚;(房间内的)小隔间,淋浴室,洗手间

  • v. (使)熄火,抛锚;故意拖延(以赢得时间);拖住(以赢得时间做某事)


英 [ˈnjuːtə(r)] 美 [ˈnuːtər]

  • adj. 中性的

  • v. 阉割(动物);使失去作用



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