专栏名称: R语言与水文生态环境
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【文献情报】|Sci. Total Environ.|北极冻土生态系统中汞生物地球化学研究的最新进展!

R语言与水文生态环境  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-25 00:02


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  • 期刊: Science of the Total Environment

  • 中科院分区: 1区 环境科学与生态学

  • 影响因子(IF):8.2

  • 第一作者:Beatriz Malcata Martins

  • 通讯作者:João Canário

  • 第一作者单位:Centro de Química Estrutural, Institute of Molecular Sciences and Department of Chemical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

  • 原位连接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.178176

  • (1)全球变暖对北极地区的影响最大;

  • (2)多年冻土的降解会释放污染物,其中汞( Hg )尤为引人关注;
  • (3)多年冻土异质性和退化模式对汞循环的影响不同;多年冻土融化影响汞的迁移、化学和微生物相互作用;
  • (4)甲基汞( MMHg )的生产令人担忧,它可能影响北极社区的生活。
多年冻土主要分布在极地和高山地区,覆盖了北半球近15 %的裸露土地。它是指在0℃或0℃以下至少连续两年的土壤或岩石。这些冻土对在多年冻土中储存和积累的污染物起到了屏障作用。汞( Hg )是这些化合物中的一种,由于其严重的毒性作用而被公认为重金属。汞对全球生态系统、生物群落和人类健康构成了重大风险,《水俣公约》加强了对汞的关注。国际气候变化专门委员会( IPCC )科学组对气候变化相关科学进行了监测和评估,强调了全球变暖的重要影响。被称为"北极放大"的现象近年来加剧了北极的变暖,并导致了永冻土的退化和快速融化。这一过程对生态系统的水文学和先前被封存的碳和痕量金属(如Hg )的流动性具有重要意义,并可能对环境和人类健康产生不利影响。在本文中,我们全面综述了目前对冻土区汞循环的认识,探讨了全球变暖对这些错综复杂的过程的影响。此外,我们强调了现有的研究空白,并提出了未来的研究方向。

Fig. 1. Scheme of Hg cycle in the Arctic in permafrost thaw systems (process from 1 to 11). In the atmosphere, the main form of Hg is Hg(0) but it can also be oxidized to Hg(II) (process 1). The Hg(0) can be deposited through foliar uptake (process 2). During snow fall, Hg(II) can also be deposited through wet deposition and can be converted into Hg(0) and re-emitted back to the atmosphere (process 3). A portion of Hg can be transferred to soil or aquatic systems during snowmelt (process 3). Wet deposition of Hg(II) also occurs during rainfall (process 4). Re-emission of accumulated Hg occurs during forest fires (process 5). In soils occurs the deposition of Hg and conversion between Hg(0) and Hg(II), which forms complexes with organic matter (OM) and can be methylated by bacteria forming MMHg (process 6). This Hg form can also form complexes with OM. In permafrost areas, there has been an increase in the distribution of thermokarst lakes. In these, occurs the deposition of Hg and conversion between Hg(0) and Hg(II), but there is also the formation of MMHg, a process that can be intensified due to the high OM content (process 7). The concentration of Hg in these lakes is also affected by the transport of previously accumulated Hg in permafrost (process 8). The degradation of permafrost also increases the hydrological connections between aquatic systems and leads to the transport of Hg(II) and MMHg from lakes to rivers (process 9). In these, a fraction of Hg is sedimented (process 10). Retrogressive thaw slumps mobilize high volumes of sediments into rivers and transport particle-bound Hg (process 11).

Fig. 2. Permafrost distribution in the Northern Hemisphere,

Fig. 3. Scheme of permafrost layers. The active layer that thaws seasonally controls the heat transferred to the permafrost and the top vegetation can significantly influence this process. In permafrost, discontinuous pieces of frozen water create ice lenses or larger ice wedges. The red line represents the temperature (T) variation with depth (z) in the layers of soil and the seasonal differences.

Fig. 4. Map of estimation of soil organic carbon stock (kg m -2 ) in permafrost from 0 to 3 m in the Northern Hemisphere by ( Hugelius et al., 2014 ).

Fig. 5. Map of estimation of Hg stock (mg Hg m -2 ) in permafrost in the Northern Hemisphere by ( Schuster et al., 2018 ). The maps are divided into four soil layers: 0 30 cm, 0 100 cm, 0 300 cm, and permafrost.

Fig. 6. Thermokarst lakes formation from ice-rich permafrost in continuous and discontinuous areas (retrieved and adapted from Bouchard et al. (2017) )

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