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湛庐文化  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-05-07 21:00






苏必德指出,大卫·史文森革新了机构投资的格局,他的思想在耶鲁之外产生了深远的影响。 作为一名天生的导师,他培养了一代机构投资者:

David Swensen


Thursday, May 6, 2021

Dear Members of the Yale Community,

I write with profound sadness to share the news that David Swensen, Yale’s chief investment officer, died yesterday evening after a long and courageous battle with cancer. David served our university with distinction. He was an exceptional colleague, a dear friend, and a beloved mentor to many in our community. Future generations will benefit from his dedication, brilliance, and generosity.

After receiving his Ph.D. in economics from Yale in 1980, David worked for Salomon Brothers and Lehman Brothers before returning to Yale in 1985 to lead our investments office. With his guidance, Yale’s endowment yielded returns that established him as a legend among institutional investors. Over the years, he lectured in Yale College and the School of Management. On Monday, he and long-time friend and colleague Dean Takahashi taught the last class of the term for Investment Analysis, a seminar they co-instructed for thirty-five years. David was an incorporator of the Elizabethan Club and a fellow of Berkeley College. In fact, he was a first-year counselor in Berkeley when he was studying for his doctorate at Yale, and he maintained connections with the people he counseled all those decades ago.

David’s ideas reverberated beyond Yale as he revolutionized the landscape of institutional investing. His approach, which has become known as the “Yale Model,” is now the standard for many university and foundation endowments. A natural teacher, he prepared a generation of institutional investors who have gone on to lead investment offices at other colleges and universities, further extending the scope of David’s influence. As the author of two books (Pioneering Portfolio Management: An Unconventional Approach to Institutional Investment and Unconventional Success: A Fundamental Approach to Personal Investment), he shared his insights and experiences with a wide readership.

David believed deeply in Yale’s mission of education and research, and he dedicated his professional life to stewarding and growing the university’s endowment so it could support Yale’s vital work in the world. In 2007, he was awarded the Mory’s Cup for conspicuous service to Yale, and in 2012, he received the Yale Medal for outstanding individual service to the university. In 2014, he was presented with an honorary doctor of humane letters at Yale’s commencement. The Swensen Initiative, established by my predecessor Rick Levin, recognizes David’s contributions to Yale. The effort has raised over $35 million to support activities, projects, and people that were especially meaningful to David, including financial aid, faculty, and athletics.

David was a kind, generous, and intensely principled friend, and some of my most enduring memories of him center around his wholehearted devotion to Yale athletics. A loyal, passionate fan, David loved to cheer on the Bulldogs at the Bowl or from the sidelines of a tennis match, and he combined his passion for sports with philanthropy. An avid tennis player, he hosted the annual “Swensen Tennis Extravaganza,” each year at the Connecticut Open with Rick Levin and then with me. The event, which included golf as well, raised millions of dollars for Yale’s community-based partnerships. Although he made his home in Connecticut for many years, David remained true to his Wisconsin roots and his beloved Green Bay Packers.

Beyond Yale, David was a thoughtful, trusted advisor to many. He was a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and he advised President Barack Obama as a member of the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Over the years he served as trustee or advisor to the Brookings Institution, Cambridge University, the Carnegie Corporation, the Carnegie Institution of Washington, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the Hopkins School, TIAA, the New York Stock Exchange, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Courtauld Institute of Art, the Yale New Haven Hospital, the Investment Fund for Foundations, the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, and the States of Connecticut and Massachusetts.

David will be remembered at Yale and beyond our campus. Please join me in expressing our collective appreciation for his lifelong commitment to Yale and in extending our most heartfelt condolences to his wife, Meghan McMahon, and their family.


Peter Salovey


Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology










在耶鲁办公室实习,让张磊真正从投资的角度理解了金融体系的本质,包括供求配置、风险管理、支付清算,更重要的是改善公司的治理结构,这些经历让张磊构建了一套独立的研究系统,掌握了寻找独特视角观察和判断的能力。 2005年,获得MBA文凭的张磊说服耶鲁大学捐赠基金,交给他2000万美元资金用于投资中国新兴公司。

我与大卫·史文森的初次相见是在课堂上,但近距离的会面却是在耶鲁投资办公室的面试室。他是一个不苟言笑、略显严肃的人,面对一名来自中国的留学生,他没有丝毫惊讶之情。他问了我许多关于投资的问题,当我对多数问题诚实地回答“我不知道”时,他反而有些惊讶于我的坦诚。可能正因如此,我获得了这份弥足珍贵的实习机会,因为在他看来,诚实格外重要。——张磊 《价值》

大卫· 史文森 与张磊

与鼎鼎大名的“股神”沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)相比,耶鲁捐赠基金的首席投资官大卫·史文森在中国并非声名显赫,但是,他对机构投资的发展产生了十分深远的影响。

史文森有着传奇的经历,他早年在耶鲁大学获得经济学博士学位,师从诺贝尔奖获得者、经济学家詹姆斯·托宾(James Tobin)。托宾是资产选择理论的开创者,史文森直接从他的身上汲取了很多营养,这也是史文森后来提出创新性多样化投资组合理论的基础。








第一, 独立严谨的投资分析框架。 机构投资者的最大特点在于有能力构建一套系统的投资分析框架,首先充分考量投资目的、资产负债均衡、资产类别划分及配置、资金预测、投资品种及金融工具选择、风险控制等要素,然后进行基金管理人选择,最后才做具体的个别投资标的的选择。


第二, 清晰的资产分类及目标配置体系。 资产配置是耶鲁捐赠基金管理的核心要素,但如何理解资产类别特点,在符合目标的前提下实现灵活配置却是其中关键。


第三,充分运用另类投资,尤其是那些市场定价效率不高的资产类别,如风险投资、对冲基金等。 在历史上,美国大多数机构投资者会把资产集中于流通股投资和债券投资这样的传统资产类别,但耶鲁捐赠基金 喜欢并鼓励逆向思维。


第四,近乎信仰的投资信念和极致的受托人精神。 耶鲁捐赠基金保持了一贯的理性思维,始终保持对金融市场的前瞻性洞察,一旦形成信仰,就会无比坚定。这份坚持来源于它对金融市场规律的领悟、对现代金融理论的掌握和对人类本性的洞察。



在四年前高礼价值投资研究院的活动中, 大卫·史文森先生曾以“成功投资者所需的特质和素养”为题进行致辞。最后,与你分享他的演说内容。传奇永不落幕 ,愿你也能从大师思想中获益:


My name is David Swensen. And I am very pleased to be the Honorary Chairman of the Hillhouse Value Investing Institute.


Investing is one of the most fascinating activities on the face of the earth. Successful investing requires extraordinarily broad range of skills:


Intellectual curiosity, because nearly everything, everywhere influences the markets.


Raw intelligence, because you need to be as smart as, or smarter than your competitors.


Self-confidence, because when you make a buy decision, or a sell decision, you are basically, betting that the market is wrong.


Humility, because sometimes the market is right.


Work ethics, because you are competing against other very hard-workers.


Judgment, because gathering facts is not enough, you need to draw the correct conclusions.


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