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不懂做事的最佳时机,时间管理也没毛用……| 狗熊有话说

狗熊有话说  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-10-23 08:20



  • 原书名: When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing

  • 本书作者: Daniel H. Pink

  • 出版社: Penguin Group (USA)

  • 出版时间:

  • ISBN:

  • 阅读时间: 2018-5

  • 狗熊评分: 7/10



这本书光看英文名会有些疑问:到底是指做事的时机,还是关于时间的管理与运用?其实更多偏向后者。这本书的作者主要从心理学、生物学和经济学方面来讨论做事如何在最合适的时候进行,可以获得最好的效果。我们都听说过艾宾浩斯记忆曲线,会知道如果在合适的时候进行内容的复习,可以取得非常好的学习效果,我们也知道人的一天和一个月里,是会有高潮和低潮的时间的(想想女生的大姨妈,也属于周期性的生物特征),明白了这种生物时间的属性,我们就会知道,什么时候做什么事情会比较适合,会更有效果。 本期播客,我们聊聊关于效率提升的畅销书 - When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing。




Everyone knows that timing is everything. But we don't know much about timing itself. Our lives are a never-ending stream of "when" decisions: when to start a business, schedule a class, get serious about a person. Yet we make those decisions based on intuition and guesswork.

Timing, it's often assumed, is an art. In When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, Pink shows that timing is really a science.

Drawing on a rich trove of research from psychology, biology, and economics, Pink reveals how best to live, work, and succeed. How can we use the hidden patterns of the day to build the ideal schedule? Why do certain breaks dramatically improve student test scores? How can we turn a stumbling beginning into a fresh start? Why should we avoid going to the hospital in the afternoon? Why is singing in time with other people as good for you as exercise? And what is the ideal time to quit a job, switch careers, or get married?


As Miles Davis once said, “Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing.

twitter research:There’s a general feeling of positivity that peaks during the morning, drops swiftly in the afternoon and then climbs back up in the evening. This cycle happens every weekday, to pretty much everyone, regardless of race or nationality.

This daily pattern is known as the morning peak, afternoon trough and evening rebound.

Studies show that, on average, one in every four people has a differing internal clock, or what’s known as a chronotype. I

Research suggests that 20 to 25 percent of people are owls, who, like inventor Thomas Edison and novelist Gustave Flaubert, peak around 9:00 p.m., which is when they prefer to get down to business, and tend to experience their positive rebound in the morning.

if you’re among the 60 to 80 percent of people who are neither larks nor owls (a group the author calls the “third bird”), then the morning peak is the best time to handle analytical tasks that require a logical, focused and disciplined mind. As for tasks that require more abstract or “outside the box” thinking, this is best handled during the rebound of the late afternoon and early evening.

No matter who you are, try to schedule the mindless, busy-work tasks during the afternoon trough.

in the afternoon, hospital staff wash their hands 38-percent less often than they’re supposed to.

on average, the ideal break for maximum productivity would be to take 17 minutes off for every 52 minutes of work.

Taken together, these findings indicate that the ideal break would be to leave your phone behind and join a friend on a short walk outdoors, perhaps through a park.

The perfect nap is anywhere from 10- to 20-minutes long, a period of time shown to provide the napper with three hours of improved focus and a higher capacity for retaining information.

Known as the napuccino , this involves drinking your coffee, setting your timer for 20 minutes, which takes into account the average 7 minutes it takes to fall asleep, and then waking up ready to take on the world.

First of all, be sure to establish a shared vision about the goals of the project.

Don’t start assigning new roles and introducing new ideas. Instead, reassert the established roles, remind people what it was all about and ignite the spark that will get people moving.

One phenomenon stemming from our emphasis on endings is that 9-enders – a name for people aged 29, 39, 49 and so on – tend to be more inclined to do extreme things, like run a marathon for the first time, start an affair or commit suicide.

Knowing this, we can take steps to make our endings more satisfying.

And not only happy – but poignant. Poignancy is that bittersweet happiness that is shaded by sadness, an emotion that seems to capture the essence of the human condition. Pixar, with movies like the tear-jerker Up, is a poignancy pro.

So people overemphasize the importance of endings, and they usually display extreme behavior near the end. This tendency is almost as predictable as our desire for endings to be happy.

Such letters bridge the gap between past and present, which is one of the best ways to achieve poignancy in your own life.

The real reward, the real feeling of satisfaction, comes when your current self feels close to your past and future selves.

Time is a slippery word and an even slipperier concept. We can easily get lost in time, but our experience greatly improves when we start to take control and better understand how our past, present and future all relate to each other.

There’s a science to timing and how to get the most out of life. By understanding your own chronotype, taking breaks and naps, leveraging the power of the middle point in projects and writing your future self letters , you can use time to your advantage.

So drink some water first, to hydrate and help control hunger, and have your first cup of coffee 60 to 90 minutes after waking up. You’ll get the most benefit that way.



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