专栏名称: 宝玉xp
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请问这道智力题答案是什么?据说 o1 做对了!注意,由于 o1 -20240916105147

宝玉xp  · 微博  · AI  · 2024-09-16 10:51


2024-09-16 10:51

请问这道智力题答案是什么?据说 o1 做对了!

注意,由于 o1 preview 不支持多模态,所以这题是描述为文本的,文本如下:

Below is a verbal description of a puzzle, consisting of a 3x3 grid, with the lowest-right square being empty. Please consider the patterns and determine the appropriate answer to fill in the empty square. First row, first column: two lines forming a 'v' shape. The angle between the lines is 90 degrees First row, second column: an empty rectangle, which is just big enough to contain the 'v' in the above (but there is no 'v' here). All shapes here fit entirely within the size of this rectangle. First row, third column: contains only the upper line of the rectangle, plus an upside-down 'v' that is otherwise like the one described earlier Second row, first column: contains the upside-down 'v' mentioned above, plus the two sides of the rectangle mentioned above Second row, second column: contains the upper line of the rectangle, plus an the right-side-up 'v' that is described earlier, forming a downward facing triangle. Second row, third column: same as above, but adding the lower side of the rectangle. Third row, first column: just the upper and lower parts of the rectangle Third row, second column: the upside-down 'v' and the normal 'v' mentioned above Third row, third column: [what should go here? Please pick from the answers below.]
Answer options:
- Option (A) is the rectangle described above.
- Option (B) is the rectangle described above with the normal 'v' in it.
- Option (C) is the lower side of the rectangle plus an upside-down 'v'.
- Option (D) contains the normal 'v' mentioned above, plus the two sides of the rectangle mentioned above
- Option (E) is the same a D, plus the upper side of the rectangle.
- Option (F) is the rectangle described above with the upside-down 'v' in it. Which answer is correct?