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Wanhua Chairman’s New Year Address for 2021

万华微视界  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-31 18:38


Dear all,

As we ring out the year soon passed and usher in the new one ahead, on behalf of our corporate management, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks and best wishes to all employees as well as family members and friends who care about and support Wanhua!

Wading through the ups and downs of 2020, we have been fighting against the global pandemic, taking advantage of opportunities, striving for development and working together to sustain growth and forge ahead. Not only have we achieved solid results, but also become more courageous and steadfast in our struggles against any and all difficulties that come in our way.

In 2020, COVID-19 took the world by storm, and amid the crisis, all employees came together to face the challenges and showed unprecedented dedication and devotion while ensuring stable production in attempt to minimize the virus’s impact. This was especially the case in Hungary, India, Russia, Brazil, Turkey, the Middle East, the United States, Japan and South Korea, where our colleagues, despite great difficulties in these places where the virus raged and continues to rage on, provided outstanding services for customers far beyond their expectations. In every way, you deserve to be called heroes and for us to pay you the highest tributes!

This past year, under its “customer-oriented” theme, our company encouraged employees to check for problems and deficiencies in all aspects of the business from research and development to production and then sales, with paying close attention to customer needs and pain points of greatest necessity. Based on the vision of creating a supplier trusted by clients, we have further improved the awareness and ability of all employees to serve customers, optimized the service process and increased service efficiency.

Wanhua reached a major milestone this year when its million-ton ethylene plant was started up successfully after two years of construction. This capacity of one of the major primary materials in the chemical industry will help create more downstream products and enable Wanhua Yantai Industrial Park to build a competitive polyurethane manufacturing base. The integration of the Fujian industrial park has been proceeding well, and the Meishan project was implemented smoothly. Lean production of Wanhua Ningbo has taken major strides forward, and the function of the BC industrial park in Hungary has become more prominent. As a result, Wanhua’s industrial layout has been optimized, with manufacturing capabilities further improved.

The manufacturing technology for the polyurethane industry has been continuously upgraded, our competitiveness further enhanced. We successfully launched a batch of independently developed industrial plants, and we have witnessed breakthroughs in technologies for high-performance materials and degradable plastics currently under research. Our “benefiting the people” R&D strategy is constantly creating more possibilities for better living.

Facing  internal and external changes, the company encouraged all employees to strengthen their “awareness of risk, cost and development”, overcome self-contentedness, drive changes and seek development with unprecedented courage. We have worked extremely hard to tap into potential and reduce costs, and the impact was incredible. Production has taken on a new organization model, and cost management has been further enhanced. The company’s operational excellence and the strong work ethos of all employees have also significantly improved.

More than 2,000 talented individuals joined the Wanhua family in 2020, adding new vitality to Wanhua, and the new campus of Wanhua University officially opened its doors to enrollees. Guided by the “Six Attributes of Wanhua Talent” principle and with “Ideal-Led Cultural Consciousness” as the school motto, we have continuously explored ways to cultivate talent and build a learning platform for spreading culture, sharing practices and triggering innovative ideas, driving leapfrog development for the company.

When hundreds of boats compete, the hardest paddler comes first; when thousands of sails set out, only the bravest claims the prize. In the coming year 2021, Wanhua will become the member of hundred billions RMB club for its revunue, and be listed in the top 20 chemicals companies in the world. In the coming new year, we will focus on overcoming complacency and preventing malpractice. Externally, we must guard against risks amid global economic uncertainty and the trade protectionism, and we should meet challenges more proactively and take new opportunities to drive new developments for Wanhua.

We define 2021 as the year for “cost control and efficiency & performance improvement”. Under this theme, we expect to further strengthen our performance-oriented guideline, drive changes in cost management, continue to optimize systems and processes and improve organizational efficiency. At the same time, in line with the guideline of “overall coordination & plan, precise design, lean construction and lean production”, we will strive to improve quality and cost control in every business process from R&D, design, procurement, engineering and construction to production, allowing Wanhua to attain high-quality development.
