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Aedas新作 | 宁波金茂广场:“应梦雪窦,海上桃园”

ZaomeDesign  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2025-02-28 09:30


宁波生命科学城位于奉化北部核心区域,凭借 纵横完备 的交通体系与丰富的景观资源,成为宁波主城区的重要“桥头堡”。 由Aedas院士、全球设计董事韦业启(Ken Wai)领衔设计建造的宁波金茂广场,坐落于生命科学城中央商务区的核心地段。 项目紧邻城市主干道与轨道交通三号线方桥站,作为Aedas产城融合的经典之作,建筑通过一座宛若越溪飞桥的连廊,将地铁人流自然引入这一集办公、商业、酒店等多功能于一体的度假式TOD商业综合体。
Led by Aedas Global Design Principal Ken Wai, Ningbo Jinmao Plaza , strategically situated in the core business district of the Ningbo Life Science City, is a TOD complex that incorporates office, retail and hotel spaces.
An integrated TOD inspired by the local Xuedou Mountain, aims to create a lakeside paradise
地块北侧坐拥中央公园绿地景观与湖面水景,交通优势与景观资源极佳。 设计从当地自然美景雪窦山中汲取灵感,将办公塔楼置于紧邻干道的东侧,便捷人流出入;酒店则置于静谧的西北侧,以“应梦雪窦,海上桃园”为理 念,通过引入游览奉 化雪窦山的体验来组织人流空间。
Ningbo Jinmao Plaza is closely linked to transportation and natural resources, with the northern side of the plot overlooks the lake and landscape of the Central Park. The office tower is placed on the east, while the hotel is placed on the northwest to enjoy the landscape scenery. The design draws inspiration from the natural beauty of the mountains in the city, creating a lakeside paradise while thoughtfully organising the visitor flow.
A multi-layered space
The design of the retail podium corridor is inspired by rhythmic ripples
The office façades mimic the movement of a waterfall by creating variation between glass panels with horizontal and tilted vertical fins. The varied colours and heights of the corner glass curtain wall creates a striking visual contrast, evoking the sensation of a waterfall cascading down.
To reduce interference, the tower crown features a glass curtain wall that rises above the roof, with the rooftop garden and observation terrace designed as separated areas. The office lobby uses transparent glass curtain wall and textured glass on the canopy to offer an elegant appearance while highlighting the beauty of the building's structure.
Waterfall-inspired façade of the tower building
The hotel and office towers are connected through a retail podium, forming a semi-open piazza. A corridor is designed on the second floor to link the metro station to the development. The retail podium adopts a stacked design with its southern façade facing the city's main roads, constructed from light silver metal, gleaming aluminium panels and stone, evoking the contours of a mountain range.
商业体立面在陶板、金属板以及玻璃幕墙的交替间,以虚中有实、实中有虚的形体,呼应周 边城市和自然环境。 西北入口以通透的玻璃盒子嵌套入实体引人入胜,露台朝向开阔的城市景观,湖岸活动融入城市。
The podium façades alternate between ceramic panels, metal sheets and glass curtain walls, creating a balance of solidity and transparency that resonates with the surrounding urban and natural environment. The northwest entrance features a glass box with a terrace facing the expansive city views, seamlessly blending with the urban landscape.
Expansive park and lakeside views
An elegant entrance with a textured façade
The corridor guides the circulation towards the four-season courtyard that features a cylindrical glass space and seamlessly integrates the exterior and interior space. The entrance boasts a four-story high ceiling, with a streamlined design that creates a dynamic and multi-layered space.
从城市活力向生态景观延展,室外中庭景观——四季花园以应梦桃花园溪谷为灵感,为消费者提供了一场四季感官之旅。 庭院整体朝向河岸,立面百叶灯光幽隐于白色石材中,成为沿河漫步时的城市展示窗口。
The design of the courtyard is inspired by valleys in the blossom garden, delivering a sensational four-season experience to the visitors. The façade of the river-facing courtyard features louvered lights that illuminate the white stone, creating a stunning view by the riverside.
The façade of the retail podium balances solidity and transparency
Streamlined ceiling design of the atrium
“我们希望在崭新的城市和紧凑的商业布局需求中为城市居民塑造更多富有吸引力的公共空间,营造出独特的‘度假式’消费体验。” 韦业启(Ken Wai)这样说。
‘We hope to create more attractive public spaces for urban residents in new cities and compact commercial layouts, fostering a unique resort-style retail experience.’ says Ken.
Ningbo Jinmao Plaza is closely connected to major roads and urban transit.
位置: 中国宁波
业主: 金茂宁波
设计及项目建筑师: Aedas
建筑面积: 188,175平方米


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