1.High ethical standards: abide by the laws and corporate bylaws of PRC; passionate about developing China’s capital markets; strong integrity, diligence, team spirit, self-discipline and prestige.
2.Strong educational background: master’s degree or above in economics, finance, finance engineering, finance mathematics, investment, law, computer science or a related discipline; diplomas should be obtained from renowned institutes of higher education; fluency in English and operational Mandarin is required.
3.Extensive experience in securities and futures industry: 7+(for Middle Positions)and 9+(for Senior Positions)years of experience as regulator in financial regulatory institutions/ trade surveillance and self-regulation personnel in self-regulatory organizations/ professional in asset management, investment banking, risk management, market research, IT in financial institutions/ personnel engaging in securities and futures related activities in accounting firms, law firms, large listed companies or IT companies/ economic researcher or financial management officer in economic and technology government departments/ researcher or project manager in related disciplines in universities or research institutes.
4.Solid managerial capabilities and professional expertise: 3+ years of management experience in the same financial regulatory institution, self-regulatory organizations, financial institutions, accounting firms, law firms, large listed companies or IT companies, economic and technology government departments, universities or research institutes.
5.Good physical and mental health.
Applicants shall recuse him/herself from positions in cases required by China Securities Commission and CFFEX.