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气候变化经济学  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-18 07:27


Call for papers

期刊:Advances in Climate Change Research (SCI, IF=3.967)

主题:Green Recovery and Climate Change

编辑Yuli SHAN and Ning ZHANG

截止日期31 March 2021



COVID-19 has escalated rapidly and caused a sudden global economic loss. Supply chains are facing extensive disruptions and many businesses are in financial distress, or even on the verge of bankruptcy. For the economy to recover sustainably, many countries are placing a priority on green economic recovery and putting this at the heart of post-pandemic economic stimulus.

Government stimulus measures may include monetary policies such as cutting interest rates to direct government funding. Given the green recovery context, stimulus plans for climate change projects have emerged in many countries, including tax incentives, loan supports or subsidies for “green” investments. In total, spending and subsidies proposed or implemented for “green” purposes are worth more than 50 billion USD globally, demonstrating a promising movement towards boosting the global economy and mitigating climate change concerns.

This special issue will advance knowledge on green recovery and provide practical policies to both stimulate the economies and mitigate climate change concerns in post COVID-19 times.

Topics covered: 

The impact of green recovery on global climate change mitigation and the Paris Agreement

International cooperation on green recovery and climate change

The impact of supply chain disruptions on climate change mitigation

Green energy investment and carbon emission reduction

The implications of climate finance for green recovery

Corporate sustainability and climate change

Important Deadlines:

Submission deadline: 31 March 2021

Publication date: December 2022

Submission Instructions:

Please read the Guide for Authors before submitting. All articles should be submitted online, please select “GreenRecovery&ClimChange” on submission.

Guest Editors:

Dr. Shan Yuli, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, [email protected]

Prof. Zhang Ning, Shandong University, China, [email protected]

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