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经济学人丨在美怀孕更危险?| 2017.08.03 | 总第993期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-09-24 06:01




A painful puzzle


Is pregnancy in America much deadlier than in other rich countries?


The question is harder to answer than you might think


Aug 3rd 2017

FEW things are more tragic than the death of a woman in pregnancy or childbirth. In America, as in other rich countries, such deaths are extremely rare. An American woman is more likely to be struck by lightning than to die in childbirth. Nonetheless, 700-800 pregnant women and new mothers die each year. By some measures, America’s maternal mortality is several times higher than in rich European countries. By other measures, however, America has the same rate as Britain.


  • nonetheless :adv. 虽然如此

  • maternal mortality  母性死亡率

One bit of the puzzle is what counts as a maternal death. The standard definition used in international comparisons, such as those published by the World Health Organisation, is a death from complications of pregnancy if the death occurs between the time a woman becomes pregnant and six weeks after her pregnancy ends.


  • complication: n.并发症

In rich countries, these deaths are tallied from vital-registration systems which in turn compile data from death certificates. These, however, are known to undercount maternal deaths, partly because doctors must select a cause of death from thousands of codes. They are more likely to consider the subset reserved for medical problems caused by pregnancy when the form has a checkbox asking whether the woman had been pregnant.


  • tally 测量

  • vital-registration人口动态登记

America added this checkbox to its standard death certificate in 2003, though it took more than a decade for all states to adopt it. It has been a mixed blessing, says Andreea Creanga of Johns Hopkins University. A recent study found that its growing use accounted for 80% of the steep rise in maternal mortality recorded in 2000-14. Although many maternal deaths that would otherwise go unrecorded are now tallied thanks to the checkbox, it is also often marked —showing recent pregnancy on the death certificates of women who died in their 50s, for example.(读者试译)

2003年,美国在死亡证书上增加了这一个选项,尽管如此,美国还是花了超过10年时间在全国完成推广。约翰霍布金斯大学的Andreea Creanga说,这是一个两难的措施。最近的研究表明,2000到2014年间80%被记录在案的母死率是因为新选项使用率的提升带来的。(期待您的翻译,明天将会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~)

According to data from death certificates, America’s rate is 21 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. In Britain, which does not use the pregnancy checkbox, the rate is four to five times lower. It is a rate that British health authorities do not consider reliable.


Because death certificates do a poor job in identifying maternal deaths, some countries, including America, Britain and France, use alternative systems to track maternal mortality. These systems cast a wide net to find all deaths that might count as maternal. They gather reports from hospitals, coroners, newspapers and even tips from ordinary citizens. Experts review the medical records for all deaths that are found. Only those that are clearly a result of health problems caused by pregnancy are tallied as maternal deaths. If the chain of events that led to a woman’s death started with asthma, for example, the death would be included only if the pregnancy caused the asthma or made it worse.


  • alternative:adi.备选的

  • coroner:n.验尸官

In America this type of detailed system, run by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), counts maternal deaths that occur up to a year after pregnancy. (Deaths resulting from pregnancy, such as suicides caused by post-partum depression, can strike many months after delivery.) By that measure, America’s maternal mortality rate in 2011-13 (the latest period for which data have been published) was 17 deaths per 100,000 live births. Maternal deaths tallied in the same way in Britain for 2012-14 result in a mortality rate that is almost exactly the same.


Britain’s system is better at detecting maternal deaths, if only because America’s system relies on adding up numbers from 50 states with varying capacity for the task of collecting data. What is clear, however, is that nobody really knows just how much riskier pregnancy in America may be than in other rich countries.


翻译 ▍E-R-2

审核 ▍Rosy

图文编辑 ▍Lucy

责任编辑 ▍毛毛

Try to translate 

Although many maternal deaths that would otherwise go unrecorded are now tallied thanks to the checkbox, it is also often marked —showing recent pregnancy on the death certificates of women who died in their 50s, for example.

Put Chinese below









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