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Npj Comput. Mater.: 拉伸的非负矩阵分解:洞悉热膨胀下的衍射信号

知社学术圈  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-24 11:29






Fig.1 | The workflow of STRETCHEDNMF.


Fig. 2 | Solutions on real PXRD data using conventional NMF, stretchedNMF, and sparse-stretchedNMF. The first row (a, b, and c) shows MgMn2O4 and the second row (d, e, and f) shows tYOCl. The blue curves are the diffraction patterns obtained for those phases by multi-phase Rietveld refinement and are used as the desired component signal. The red curves represent the extracted NMF components. Extracted signals done with conventional NMF (red curves in a and d), STRETCHEDNMF (red curves in b and e) and SPARSE-STRETCHEDNMF (red curves in c and f).


Fig. 3 | Weights comparison on real PXRD data. The component weights vs. temperature of the data for (a) MgMn2O4 and (b) tYOCl. The results obtained by a multi-phase Rietveld refinement can be considered as ground-truth and are shown as the dashed purple line. The conventional NMF (red line) cannot capture the temperature evolution of the chemical components. STRETCHEDNMF (green) does much better and SPARSE-STRETCHEDNMF (blue) yields almost exactly the Rietveld result.

该文近期发表于 npj Computationa l Materials 10, 193(2024) 英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“ 阅读原文 ”可以自由获取论文PDF。

Stretched non-negative matrix factorization

Ran Gu, Yevgeny Rakita, Ling Lan, Zach Thatcher, Gabrielle E. Kamm, Daniel O’Nolan, Brennan Mcbride, Allison Wustrow, James R. Neilson, Karena W. Chapman, Qiang Du & Simon J. L. Billinge

A novel algorithm, stretchedNMF, is introduced for non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), accounting for signal stretching along the independent variable’s axis. It addresses signal variability caused by stretching, proving beneficial for analyzing data such as powder diffraction at varying temperatures. This approach provides a more meaningful decomposition, particularly when the component signals resemble those from chemical components in the sample. The stretchedNMF model introduces a stretching factor to accommodate signal expansion, solved using discretization and Block Coordinate Descent algorithms. Initial experimental results indicate that the stretchedNMF model outperforms conventional NMF for datasets exhibiting such expansion. An enhanced version, sparse-stretchedNMF, optimized for powder diffraction data from crystalline materials, leverages signal sparsity for accurate extraction, especially with small stretches. Experimental results showcase its effectiveness in analyzing diffraction data, including success in real-time chemical reaction experiments.


Npj Comput. Mater.:  生成式机器学习:设计复杂成分的共晶合金
