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唧唧堂:JPSP 人格与社会心理学杂志2023年9月刊论文摘要9篇

唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-01-13 20:23


解析作者 | 心理学导读库写作小组: 林莱尔
审校 | 心理学导读库写作小组: 阿悦
编辑 | 小巴

1、 既不是东方也不是西方:地中海社会的独立和相互依存的模式。

社会科学研究强调,“荣誉”是地中海社会推动社会行为的核心价值观,这要求个人通过自信、竞争和面对威胁时的报复来发展和保护他们的个人自我价值感和社会声誉。 我们预测,与更普遍研究的东亚和英西方文化群体相比,地中海社会的成员可能表现出独立和相互依存的社会取向、自我建构和认知风格的独特组合。 我们将来自八个地中海社会(西班牙、意大利、希腊、土耳其、塞浦路斯[土族塞人和希族塞人社区]、黎巴嫩、埃及)的参与者与来自东亚(韩国、日本)和英西(英国、美国)社会的参与者进行了比较,使用了六个隐性社会取向指标、一个八维自我解释量表和四个认知风格指标。 与东亚和英西方样本相比,地中海社会的样本明显强调了几种形式的独立性(脱离[vs.参与]情绪的相对强度,基于脱离[vs.参与]情绪的幸福、性格[vs. 情境]归因风格,与他人不同的自我解释,自我导向,自力更生,自我表达和一致性)和相互依赖(与内群体[vs. 外群体]成员的亲近,自我解释为有联系并致力于接近他人)。 我们的研究结果扩展了之前对文化取向模式的见解,超越了得到普遍研究的的东西方比较,以研究未得到充分研究的其他地区。

Social science research has highlighted “honor” as a central value driving social behavior in Mediterranean societies, which requires individuals to develop and protect a sense of their personal self-worth and their social reputation, through assertiveness, competitiveness, and retaliation in the face of threats. We predicted that members of Mediterranean societies may exhibit a distinctive combination of independent and interdependent social orientation, self-construal, and cognitive style, compared to more commonly studied East Asian and Anglo-Western cultural groups. We compared participants from eight Mediterranean societies (Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus [Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot communities], Lebanon, Egypt) to participants from East Asian (Korea, Japan) and Anglo-Western (the United Kingdom, the United States) societies, using six implicit social orientation indicators, an eight-dimensional self-construal scale, and four cognitive style indicators. Compared with both East Asian and Anglo-Western samples, samples from Mediterranean societies distinctively emphasized several forms of independence (relative intensity of disengaging [vs. engaging] emotions, happiness based on disengaging [vs. engaging] emotions, dispositional [vs. situational] attribution style, self-construal as different from others, self-directed, self-reliant, self-expressive, and consistent) and interdependence (closeness to in-group [vs. out-group] members, self-construal as connected and committed to close others). Our findings extend previous insights into patterns of cultural orientation beyond commonly examined East–West comparisons to an understudied world region.

论文原文: Uskul, A. K., Kirchner-Häusler, A., Vignoles, V. L., Rodriguez-Bailón, R., Castillo, V. A., Cross, S. E., Yalçın, M. G., Harb, C., Husnu, S., Ishii, K., Jin, S., Karamaouna, P., Kafetsios, K., Kateri, E., Matamoros-Lima, J., Liu, D., Miniesy, R., Na, J., Özkan, Z., . . . Uchida, Y. (2023). Neither Eastern nor Western: Patterns of independence and interdependence in Mediterranean societies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(3), 471–495. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspa0000342


自 2009 年以来,全球抗议活动和相关在线活动有所增加。 然而,尚不清楚 线上活动如何以及为何与线下集体行动的动员相关。 一个主张是,在线极化(或在显著不满的情况下发布动员内容的强度的相对变化)可以动员线下的人们。 集体行动的身份规范联系和规范一致性模型进一步表明,为了动员起来,这些帖子需要得到社会认可。 为了验证这些命题,在两项分析中,我们使用在线行为的数字痕迹和数据科学技术来模拟人们围绕大规模抗议的在线和离线行为。 在研究 1a 中,我们使用参与者或非参与者(759 位用户; 7,592 条推文)在抗议当天发布的 Twitter 行为来训练和测试分类器,该分类器以 80% 的准确度预测谁参与了线下集体行动。 参与者使用他们的移动设备来规划后勤工作并传播他们在抗议活动中的存在。 在研究 1b 中,使用研究 1a 中的一部分用户(209 位用户; 277,556 条推文)的纵向 Twitter 数据和元数据,我们发现参与抗议活动与个人在抗议前一年的在线极化无关,但这与他们在相关帖子上收到的社会认可(“点赞”)呈正相关。 这两项研究表明,在线互动中关于不满情况的社会认可,实际上是动员和推动集体行动的关键,而不是低成本或不无关紧要的因素。

Since 2009, there has been an increase in global protests and related online activity. Yet, it is unclear how and why online activity is related to the mobilization of offline collective action. One proposition is that online polarization (or a relative change in intensity of posting mobilizing content around a salient grievance) can mobilize people offline. The identity-norm nexus and normative alignment models of collective action further argue that to be mobilizing, these posts need to be socially validated. To test these propositions, across two analyses, we used digital traces of online behavior and data science techniques to model people’s online and offline behavior around a mass protest. In Study 1a, we used Twitter behavior posted on the day of the protest by attendees or nonattendees (759 users; 7,592 tweets) to train and test a classifier that predicted, with 80% accuracy, who participated in offline collective action. Attendees used their mobile devices to plan logistics and broadcast their presence at the protest. In Study 1b, using the longitudinal Twitter data and metadata of a subset of users from Study 1a (209 users; 277,556 tweets), we found that participation in the protest was not associated with an individual’s online polarization over the year prior to the protest, but it was positively associated with the validation (“likes”) they received on their relevant posts. These two studies demonstrate that rather than being low cost or trivial, socially validated online interactions about a grievance are actually key to the mobilization and enactment of collective action.

论文原文: Smith, L. G. E., Piwek, L., Hinds, J., Brown, O., & Joinson, A. (2023). Digital traces of offline mobilization. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(3), 496–518. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspa0000338


本研究提出了一个新的目标系统模型,以帮助解释个体何时会保护自己免受社会联系固有的风险的影响。 该模型假定,人们通过贬低拒绝朋友的价值、信任与期望一致的关系以及避免有传染风险的陌生人,来满足感觉融入安全社会关系的目标——在这种关系中他们受到重视和保护,而不是面临受到伤害的风险。 在假设的目标系统中,追求在社会联系中感到安全的基本目标受到挫败时会使得提供安全的监管系统变得敏感,使其免受人际拒绝(即风险监管系统)、存在不确定性(即社会安全系统) 或身体感染(即行为免疫系统)的风险。 相反,实现在社交联系中感到安全的基本目标会使这些自我保护系统变脱敏。 一项为期 3 周的实验性每日日记研究 (N = 555) 验证了模型假设。 我们通过反复训练实验参与者将他们的伴侣与十分积极、平易近人的词语和图像联系起来,来实现在社交关系中感到安全的目标。 然后,我们跟踪了实验组被试与对照组被试在日常生活中遇到社会排斥、意外行为或传染性疾病时如何警惕地保护自己。 多层次分析显示,干预措施让通常感觉最容易受到这些风险影响的被试学会了针对这些风险的自我保护防御。 研究结果提供了第一个证据,表明在社会联系中感到安全的基本目标可以选择风险管理、社会安全和行为免疫系统作为其追求的独立手段。

A new goal-systems model is proposed to help explain when individuals will protect themselves against the risks inherent to social connection. This model assumes that people satisfy the goal to feel included in safe social connections—connections where they are valued and protected rather than at risk of being harmed—by devaluing rejecting friends, trusting in expectancy–consistent relationships, and avoiding infectious strangers. In the hypothesized goal system, frustrating the fundamental goal to feel safe in social connection sensitizes regulatory systems that afford safety from the risk of being interpersonally rejected (i.e., the risk-regulation system), existentially uncertain (i.e., the social-safety system), or physically infected (i.e., the behavioral-immune system). Conversely, fulfilling the fundamental goal to feel safe in social connection desensitizes these self-protective systems. A 3-week experimental daily diary study (N = 555) tested the model hypotheses. We intervened to fulfill the goal to feel safe in social connection by repeatedly conditioning experimental participants to associate their romantic partners with highly positive, approachable words and images. We then tracked how vigilantly experimental versus control participants protected themselves when they encountered social rejection, unexpected behavior, or contagious illness in everyday life. Multilevel analyses revealed that the intervention lessoned self-protective defenses against each of these risks for participants who ordinarily felt most vulnerable to them. The findings provide the first evidence that the fundamental goal to feel safe in social connection can co-opt the risk-regulation, social-safety, and behavioral-immune systems as independent means for its pursuit.

论文原 文: Murray, S. L., McNulty, J. K., Xia, J., Lamarche, V. M., Seery, M. D., Ward, D. E., Griffin, D. W., Hicks, L. L., & Jung, H. Y. (2023). Pursuing safety in social connection regulates the risk-regulation, social-safety, and behavioral-immune systems. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(3), 519–547. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspi0000420


五项预先注册的研究(N = 1934)表明,与其他一些文化意识形态相比,美国主流的意识形态“追随你的热情”,导致了学术和职业性别差异的持续存在。 研究1表明,美国学生在做出学术选择时通常使用“追随你的热情”的意识形态。 研究2-5发现,与资源意识形态(即一个人应该追求一个能够带来高收入和工作稳定的领域)相比,强调“追随你的热情”的意识形态会导致更大的学术和职业性别差异。 在研究4中,即使与更符合女性性别角色的文化意识形态(即社区意识形态)相比,“追随你的热情”意识形态也会导致更大的性别差异。 在研究5中,一项有调节的中介分析支持了这样一种假设,即与强调资源意识形态相比,当强调“追随你的热情”意识形态时,女性与男性更倾向于利用女性角色一致的自我来解释性别差异。 即使考虑到其他中介变量(例如,意识形态是否适合某人的性别),但利用女性角色一致的自我仍然是一个重要的中介变量。 “追随你的热情”意识形态可能看起来没有明确的性别歧视,但与其他一些文化意识形态相比,它会导致更大的学术和职业性别差异。

Five preregistered studies (N = 1934) demonstrate that the prevalent U.S. ideology to “follow your passions” perpetuates academic and occupational gender disparities compared to some other cultural ideologies. Study 1 shows that the follow-your-passions ideology is commonly used by U.S. students in making academic choices. Studies 2–5 find that making the follow-your-passions ideology salient causes greater academic and occupational gender disparities compared to the resources ideology (i.e., the idea that one should pursue a field that leads to high income and job security). In Study 4, the follow-your-passions ideology causes greater gender disparities even when compared to a cultural ideology that aligns more with the female gender role (i.e., communal ideology). In Study 5, a moderated mediation analysis supports the hypothesis that gender disparities are explained by women’s versus men’s greater tendency to draw upon female role-congruent selves when the follow-your-passions ideology is salient compared to when the resources ideology is salient. Drawing upon female role-congruent selves remains a significant mediator even when accounting for alternative mediators (e.g., appropriateness of ideology for one’s gender). The follow-your-passions ideology may not seem explicitly gendered, but it causes greater academic and occupational gender disparities compared to some other cultural ideologies.

论文原文: Siy, J. O., Germano, A. L., Vianna, L., Azpeitia, J., Yan, S., Montoya, A. K., & Cheryan, S. (2023). Does the follow-your-passions ideology cause greater academic and occupational gender disparities than other cultural ideologies? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(3), 548–570. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspi0000421


与自己群体(内群体)和其他群体(外群体)成员的接触塑造了个人对世界的信念,包括对内群体歧视的看法。 迄今为止的研究表明,在弱势群体的成员中,与优势外群体的接触与较少感知的歧视有关,而与弱势群体的接触与较多的感知歧视相关。 然而,过去的研究孤立地考虑了内群体和外群体的接触,而忽略了可以解释这些关联的各种过程。 我们通过研究弱势群体成员对歧视的看法是否是由他们与内群体和外群体成员的接触程度(接触效应)决定的,还是由内群体和外群体成员对歧视的看法(社会化效应)决定的,同时控制了他们倾向于接纳与自己相似的人(选择效应)。 三项研究(总 N = 5,866 名少数民族成员)评估了参与者的积极接触、友谊和歧视感知,并应用纵向和社交网络分析来单独和同时测试接触、社交和选择过程。 与之前的研究相比,我们没有发现任何证据表明与优势外群体成员的接触先于感知到的歧视。 相反,我们发现,与弱势群体成员的友谊通过社会化过程纵向预测了感知到的歧视——随着时间的推移,弱势群体成员对歧视的看法变得与他们的群体内朋友对歧视的看法更加相似。 我们的结论是,对歧视的看法应部分理解为对共同现实的社会化信念。

Contact with members of one’s own group (ingroup) and other groups (outgroups) shapes individuals’ beliefs about the world, including perceptions of discrimination against one’s ingroup. Research to date indicates that, among members of disadvantaged groups, contact with an advantaged outgroup is associated with less perceived discrimination, while contact with the disadvantaged ingroup is associated with more perceived discrimination. Past studies, however, considered ingroup and outgroup contact in isolation and overlooked the various processes that could explain these associations. We addressed these issues by examining whether disadvantaged-group members’ perceptions of discrimination are shaped by how much contact they have with ingroup and outgroup members (contact effects) or by those ingroup and outgroup members’ perceptions of discrimination (socialization effects) while controlling for their tendency to affiliate with similar others (selection effects). Three studies (total N = 5,866 ethnic minority group members) assessed participants’ positive contact, friendships, and perceived discrimination and applied longitudinal and social network analyses to separate and simultaneously test contact, socialization, and selection processes. In contrast to previous studies, we found no evidence that contact with members of the advantaged outgroup precedes perceived discrimination. Instead, we found that friendships with members of the disadvantaged ingroup longitudinally predict perceived discrimination through the process of socialization—disadvantaged-group members’ perceptions of discrimination became more similar to their ingroup friends’ perceptions of discrimination over time. We conclude that perceptions of discrimination should be partly understood as a socialized belief about a shared reality.

论文原文: Bracegirdle, C., Reimer, N. K., Osborne, D., Sibley, C. G., Wölfer, R., & Sengupta, N. K. (2023). The socialization of perceived discrimination in ethnic minority groups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(3), 571–589. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspi0000426


元分析证据表明,人格是整体和特定领域满意度最强的相关因素之一。 本研究的主要目的是检验人格特质和满意度之间的关系在整个成年期是否有所不同。 我们使用双变量潜在增长曲线模型和局部结构方程模型来研究大五人格特质水平及其变化与生活满意度、工作满意度和社会交往满意度之间的相关性。 数据来自荷兰的一个具有代表性的纵向大样本(N=9110; 年龄范围16-95岁)。 在各个年龄段,情绪稳定性与整体和特定领域的满意度都呈现出最强的相关性。 在情绪稳定性之后,责任心与工作满意度(WS)相关性最强,外倾性、宜人性与社会满意度(SS)相关性最强。 在本研究涵盖的 11 年中,人格和满意度的纵向变化呈中度相关性,表明这些结构之间存在共同发展。 大多数相关模式在整个生命周期中都是稳定的,这表明人格特质与成年生活不同阶段的满意度存在类似的相关。 我们还讨论了不同生命阶段人格与满意度之间相关的基础的理论意义。

Meta-analytic evidence has shown that personality is one of the strongest correlates of global and domain-specific satisfaction. The main goal of the present study was to examine whether the associations between personality traits and satisfaction differ across the adult lifespan. We used bivariate latent growth curve models and local structural equation modeling to study correlations between levels and change of Big Five personality traits and satisfaction with life, satisfaction with work, and satisfaction with social contacts. Data came from a large representative longitudinal Dutch sample (N = 9,110; age range 16–95). Across age, emotional stability showed the strongest associations with both global and domain-specific satisfaction. After emotional stability, conscientiousness was the strongest correlate of work satisfaction (WS), and extraversion and agreeableness were the strongest correlates of social satisfaction (SS).  Most correlational patterns were stable across the lifespan, indicating that personality traits are similarly relevant for satisfaction across different phases in adult life. We discuss the theoretical implications for the foundations that may underlie the link between personality and satisfaction in various life phases.

论文原文: Olaru, G., van Scheppingen, M. A., Bleidorn, W., & Denissen, J. J. A. (2023). The link between personality, global, and domain-specific satisfaction across the adult lifespan. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(3), 590–606. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000461


关于成就目标研究已经相当丰富,但主要集中在个体内部的调节过程上。 在本文中,我们强调成就目标在更广泛的人际判断过程中也发挥着不可或缺的作用。 我们将广泛的成就目标文献与成熟的社会关系模型(SRM)相结合,建立了一种新的成就目标的人际方法。 我们引入并正式定义了成就目标感知的人际概念,提出了一种使用多元SRM(MSRM)的贝叶斯实现来研究这一新概念的正式方法论方法,并通过直接解决成就目标感知基本问题的深入实证研究来检验所提出的综合方法。 在这项实证研究中,我们测量了1809年四种类型的成就目标感知——掌握趋近(MAP)、掌握回避(MAV)、成绩趋近(PAP)和成绩回避(PAV)。 结果表明,一个主要由感知者驱动的过程包括MAP、MAV和PAV目标的自我-他人一致性,而不包含PAP目标,每个成就目标的假设相似性,以及亲密同学之间更大的假定相似性。 目标感知为感知者和目标中的两种黄金标准教育结果(学习成绩和内在动机)提供了增量预测效用,并在感知者之间提供了四个额外的教育相关结构——感知阶级价值、感知努力投资、感知能力和同伴寻求帮助。 在奠定了理论、方法和实证基础之后,我们将这种新的成就目标的人际方法与关于成就动机和人际判断的现代研究结合起来一起讨论。

Research on achievement goals is voluminous but focused primarily on intrapersonal regulation. In the present article, we emphasize the integral role that achievement goals also play in the broader process of interpersonal judgment. We establish a new interpersonal approach to achievement goals that integrates the extensive achievement goal literature with the well-established social relations model (SRM). We introduce and formally define the interpersonal concept of achievement goal perception, present a formal methodological approach to studying this novel concept using a Bayesian implementation of the multivariate SRM (MSRM), and put the proposed integrative approach to the test with an in-depth empirical study that directly addresses fundamental questions of achievement goal perception. In this empirical study, we measured four types of achievement goal perceptions—mastery-approach (MAP), mastery-avoidance (MAV), performance-approach (PAP), performance-avoidance (PAV)—across 1,809 student–classmate dyads from 42 small discussion-based undergraduate classes. Results indicated a predominantly perceiver-driven process consisting of self-other agreement for MAP, MAV, and PAV goals but not PAP goals, assumed similarity for each achievement goal, and greater assumed similarity among closer classmates. Achievement goal perception provided incremental predictive utility for two gold-standard educational outcomes—academic performance and intrinsic motivation—among both perceivers and targets, and four additional educationally relevant constructs—perceived class value, perceived effort investment, perceived competence, and peer help-seeking—among perceivers. Having laid the theoretical, methodological, and empirical foundations, we discuss this new interpersonal approach to achievement goals alongside contemporary research on achievement motivation and interpersonal judgment.

论文原文: Weissman, D. L., & Elliot, A. J. (2023). Achievement goal perception: An interpersonal approach to achievement goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(3), 607–628. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000462


有些人会更频繁地使用医疗保健服务。 识别与医疗保健使用相关的因素有可能提高医疗保健的效益、效率和公平性。 与安德森医疗保健利用行为模型和初步的实证发现一致,人格特质可能是与医疗保健使用相关的关键易感因素。 在15个样本中,本研究考察了大五人格特质与看牙医、看全科医生和住院的可能性之间的横断面和前瞻性关系。 使用综合的数据分析,我们在每个样本中分别估算模型(样本 N 从516到305762不等),然后通过对随机效应的元分析计算了样本之间的加权均值效应大小(总 N = 358,803)。 根据综合结果,具有更责任心、宜人性、外倾性和开放性,以及神经质较低的人更有可能看牙医; 神经质较高的人更有可能看全科医生; 而责任感和宜人性较低、神经经质较高的人更有可能住院。 这种相关性通常较小,几率比约为1.20(rs ≈ .05)。 这些发现在15个国际样本中提供了有关人格特质与医疗保健使用之间小但一致相关的证据,并表明人格与医疗保健的相关因医疗类型而异。 我们讨论了未来研究的方向,包括研究更具体的个性特质维度(例如,积极性与责任感)以及医疗保健的重要维度(例如,预防性与应对性护理; 急性与慢性护理)。

Some people use health care services more than others. Identifying factors associated with health care use has the potential to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of health care. In line with the Andersen behavioral model of health care utilization and initial empirical findings, personality traits may be key predisposing factors associated with health care use. Across 15 samples, the present study examined cross-sectional and prospective associations between Big Five personality traits and the likelihood of dental visits, general medical practitioner visits, and hospitalizations. Using coordinated data analysis, we estimated models within each of 15 samples individually (sample Ns ranged from 516 to 305,762), and then calculated weighted mean effect sizes using random-effects meta-analysis across samples (total N = 358,803). According to the synthesized results, people higher in conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion, and openness, and lower in neuroticism were more likely to visit the dentist; people higher in neuroticism were more likely to visit general medical practitioners; and people lower in conscientiousness and agreeableness and higher in neuroticism were more likely to be hospitalized. Associations tended to be small with odds ratios around 1.20 (rs ≈ .05). These findings provide evidence across 15 international samples for small but consistent associations between personality traits and health care use and demonstrate that personality-health care associations differ by type of care. We discuss directions for future research, including examining more specific personality facets (e.g., productiveness vs. responsibility) as well as important dimensions of health care (e.g., preventative vs. reactive care; acute vs. chronic care).

论文原文: Willroth, E. C., Luo, J., Atherton, O. E., Weston, S. J., Drewelies, J., Batterham, P. J., Condon, D. M., Gerstorf, D., Huisman, M., Spiro, A. III, Mroczek, D. K., & Graham, E. K. (2023). Personality traits and health care use: A coordinated analysis of 15 international samples. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(3), 629–648. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000465

9、COVID-19 大流行期间的外向性、社会互动和幸福感:外向者真的比内向者遭受更多痛苦吗?

大量研究表明,外向性与幸福感呈正相关。 但目前尚不清楚这种相关是否可以通过社会参与(即更外向的个体更频繁地参与社会互动)或社会反应(即更外向的个体从社会互动中受益更多)来解释。 COVID-19大流行是一个前所未有的社会接触减少时期,在这里,我们研究了这一期间社会互动对外向性与幸福感关系的作用,我们分析了一项国际纵向研究(研究1: 4622名参与者提供的10523项评估)和两项体验抽样研究(研究2: 293名参与者提供的29536项评估;研究3: 1381名参与者提供的61492项评估)。 预注册的多层次结构方程模型显示,即使在存在社交限制的情况下,外向性与幸福感仍旧存在稳健的相关性。 在不同数据集中,我们发现一些支持社会参与假说(即外向性与幸福感之间的关系通过社会互动中介),但社会反应假说(即外向性调节了社会互动与幸福感之间的关系)并未得到一致的支持。 然而,令人惊讶的是,探索性分析显示,社会反应假说在外向性的特定方面(即社交性)和幸福感的特定方面(即激活的积极影响)得到了支持。 此外,COVID-19大流行期间社会互动模式的变化(例如,面对面互动和与朋友互动的减少)与外向性无关,更外向的个体也并没有更多地受到这些变化的影响。 总之,这些发现强调了在社会危机期间外向性对幸福感影响的稳健性。

A large body of research suggests that extraversion is positively related to well-being. However, it is unclear whether this association can be explained by social participation (i.e., more extraverted individuals engage in social interactions more frequently) or social reactivity (i.e., more extraverted individuals profit more from social interactions) processes. Here, we examined the role of social interactions for the extraversion–well-being relationship during the COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented time of reduced social contact. We analyzed data from an international, longitudinal study (Study 1: 10,523 assessments provided by 4,622 participants) and two experience sampling studies (Study 2: 29,536 assessments provided by 293 participants; Study 3: 61,492 assessments provided by 1,381 participants). Preregistered multilevel structural equation models revealed that extraversion was robustly related to well-being, even when social restrictions were in place. Across data sets, we found some support for the social participation hypothesis (i.e., the relationship between extraversion and well-being is mediated by social interactions), but the social reactivity hypothesis (i.e., extraversion moderates the relationship between social interactions and well-being) was not consistently supported. Strikingly, however, exploratory analyses showed that the social reactivity hypothesis was supported for specific facets of extraversion (i.e., sociability) and well-being (i.e., activated positive affect). Moreover, changes in social interaction patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g., decreases in face-to-face interactions and interactions with friends) were unrelated to extraversion, and more extraverted individuals did not suffer more from these changes. Taken together, these findings underline the robustness of the effect of extraversion on well-being during a societal crisis.

论文原文: Kroencke, L., Humberg, S., Breil, S. M., Geukes, K., Zoppolat, G., Balzarini, R. N., Alonso-Ferres, M., Slatcher, R. B., & Back, M. D. (2023). Extraversion, social interactions, and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Did extraverts really suffer more than introverts? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(3), 649–679. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000468
























