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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-09 11:24


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,上周初热轧卷价格持平,后来被各种力量推至新高。

Hot rolledcoil prices were pushed to new highs by various forces late last week, afterstarting the week flat, Kallanish notes.

周五下午,上海 5.5x1,500mm Q235 热轧卷成交价约为 4,060-4,080 / 吨( 613-616 美元 / 吨),较前一周五上涨 80 / 吨。上海期货交易所热轧卷期货 2101 合约收于 3,920 / 吨,较周四上涨 17 / 吨,较前一周上涨 56 / 吨。当周价格持续上涨,已回升至 9 月初的水平。

In Shanghaion Friday afternoon, 5.5x1,500mm Q235 HRC was traded at around CNY4,060-4,080/tonne ($613-616/t), up CNY 80/t from the previous Friday. On theShanghai Futures Exchange, the January 2021 HRC contract closed CNY 17/thigher than Thursday, and CNY 56/t higher over the week at CNY 3,920/t.It continued to rise throughout the week and has returned to thelevels of early September.

从周一开始,在终端用户有意在冬季前补货的情况下,市场受到强劲需求和库存下降的推动。建筑活动改善使得钢材库存连续两周下降超过 100 万吨。随着各省焦化企业的退出,焦炭价格上涨已迅速传递到热轧卷。

From Monday,the market was guided by strong demand and declining inventory amid endusers' interest to replenish before winter. Improvement in constructionactivity made steel stocks drop by over 1 million tonnes for two consecutiveweeks. With the withdrawal of coking enterprises in various provinces, cokeprice increases have also quickly spread to HRC.


Higherprices may have an impact on buying levels in the coming days,however. "Although the high prices do not impact buyers’ interestnow, the pressure of such high prices may stop their purchases soon if theprices do not fall," a HRC seller says.

出口市场也出现上升趋势。报价从周三开始上升,在周五达到高位。 Kallanish 2mm SAE 1006 热轧卷的估价为 528-533 美元 / fob 中国,周环比上涨 16 美元 / 吨。从上周五开始,对于中国产 SAE 1006 热轧卷,韩国买家已接受 540 美元 / cfr 的价格。

Exportmarkets also saw a rising trend. Offers started to increase from Wednesdayand reached a high last Friday. Kallanish assessed 2mm SAE 1006 HRC up $16/ton-week at $528-533/t fob China. South Korean buyers have started toaccept China-origin SAE 1006 HRC at $540/t cfr since last Friday.

涨价前, MMK SAE 1006 热轧卷售价为 518-520 / cfr 越南, 2 月船期,报价为 525 美元 / cfr 越南。其交货日期比其他供应商晚一个月左右。

Before theprice hike, MMK sold SAE 1006 HRC at $518-520/t cfr Vietnam for Februaryshipment, and offered at $525/t cfr Vietnam. Its delivery date is around onemonth later than other suppliers.

上周一前后,日照钢铁以 528 美元 / cfr 越南售出 2 万吨 SAE 1006 热轧卷, 1 月船期,由 Hoa Sen Kim Quoc 联合购买。意识到涨价后,上周五日照钢铁迅速将 1 月船期的报价从 525 美元 / 吨提高到 545 美元 / cfr 越南。

Rizhao sold20,000 tonnes of SAE 1006 HRC at $528/t cfr Vietnam for January shipment aroundlast Monday, which Hoa Sen and Kim Quoc bought jointly. Feeling the priceincrease, Rizhao Steel quickly lifted its offers from $525/t to $545/t cfrVietnam for January shipment last Friday.

周五,现代将 SAE 1006 热轧卷报价上调至 550 美元 / cfr 越南,新日铁和 JSW 钢铁公司也是如此。不过,本钢新的报价为 545 美元 / cfr 越南,与日照钢铁的价格持平。

Hyundailifted SAE 1006 HRC offers to $550/t cfr Vietnam on Friday, as did Nippon Steeland JSW Steel. Benxi, however, set its new offer at $545/t cfr Vietnam,level with Rizhao Steel.

中国和越南消息人士证实,周五宝钢的 2mm SAE 1006 热轧卷成交价为 553 美元 / cfr

Baosteel's2mm SAE 1006 HRC was booked at $553/t cfr on Friday, sources in China andVietnam confirmed.

周五 Kallanish 2-2.7mm SAE1006 热轧卷的估价为
