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IPRdaily  · 公众号  · 知识产权  · 2024-12-26 07:30





提示:“聘”栏目为四二六人才平台(426.cn)【人力资源服务许可证编号:(粤)人服证字(2022)第0112005723号】,针对于企事业单位、服务机构、律师事务所开辟的知识产权人才专栏,如果您有招聘需求,可将招聘需求发送至[email protected]


Senior IP Consultant



1. 许可协议审查:对公司与其他方签订的许可协议(license agreement)进行全面审查。从这些协议中提取关键条款和内容,并就必要的后续行动提供指导。
1.Review of License Agreements: Conduct a thorough review of license agreements entered into by the company and with other parties. Abstract key terms and content from these agreements and provide guidance on necessary follow-up actions.

2. 知识产权结构分析:分析组织内部当前的知识产权结构。确保现有知识产权资产的持续维护,并防止知识产权申请提交或向相关当局支付款项的任何延误。
2.IP Structure Analysis: Analyze the current intellectual property structure within the organization. Ensure the ongoing maintenance of existing IP assets and prevent any delays in IP application submissions or payments to relevant authorities.

3. 支持知识产权相关项目:协助开发和产品团队处理与知识产权相关的任务。就各种国家和地区的知识产权权利应用提供专业建议。
3.Support for IP-Related Initiatives: Assist with IP-related tasks for the Development and Product teams. Offer expert advice on the application of IP rights in various countries and regions.

4. 法律文件管理:就知识产权和许可相关的法律文件的审查和起草提供法律咨询,例如条款清单、保密协议(NDA)以及公司可能与合作伙伴签订的其他法律文件。
4.Legal Document Management: Provide legal counsel on the review and drafting of IP and licensing-related legal documents, such as term sheets, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), and other legal documents the company may enter into with partners, primarily provided by the Business Development team.

5. 法律代表:代表公司回复电子邮件或答复与知识产权相关的请求,确保所有通信都符合法律标准和法规。
5.Legal Representation: Reply to emails or answer requests related to IP on behalf of the company, ensuring all communications are in compliance with legal standards and regulations.

6. 机构管理:就知识产权代理机构的选择和管理提供建议,以优化公司的知识产权组合和策略。
6.Agency Management: Offer advice on the selection and management of IP agencies to optimize the company's IP portfolio and strategy.



1. 拥有法律执业资格和专利代理人资格。
1.Possession of a legal practice qualification and patent attorney qualification.

2. 了解知识产权法律和实践,包括维护和申请流程。
2.Knowledge of intellectual property laws and practices, including maintenance and application processes.

3. 能够就国际知识产权权利和申请提供专业建议。
3.Ability to provide expert advice on international IP rights and applications.

4. 精通起草和审查与知识产权和许可相关的法律文件。
4.Proficiency in drafting and reviewing legal documents related to IP and licensing.

5. 拥有强大的沟通技巧,以代表公司处理与知识产权相关的通信。
5.Strong communication skills to represent the company in IP-related correspondence.

6. 有管理与知识产权代理机构的关系和为公司需求选择合适的合作伙伴的经验。
6.Experience in managing relationships with IP agencies and selecting appropriate partners for the company's needs.

7. 英文可作为工作语言。


30-40k * 14薪


[email protected]



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