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管理学 | SCI期刊专刊信息2条

Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2021-03-08 09:25



Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Experimental Studies of Conflict

全文截稿: 2021-07-31

影响因子: 2.304


Few topics in the social sciences pose as much challenge to the experimental method as the study of conflict. A rigorous experimental approach to this question requires, at the very least, a context in which parties hold opposing attitudes, incentives, beliefs, claims about fairness and justice, interpretations of past events, or several of the above. Such conflict is unusual among many convenience samples used in research and is difficult to generate at will. Even if an appropriate conflict context is identified, parties must then engage with each other in a way that is controlled and observable, allowing the researcher to collect measurable outcomes – an intrusion that many participants in real conflict resist. Above all, the researcher must have the ability to experimentally manipulate isolated features of the situation in order to draw valid causal inferences. Matters are further complicated by recent recognition among researchers of the importance of large samples in producing reproducible findings.

Because of these challenges, much of the literature on conflict and conflict resolution has relied on a theoretical or correlational approach; endeavored to study conflict via vignettes and scenarios; or relied on woefully small samples. The combined challenges of interpretability, generalizability and replicability have limited the scientific and applied insights generated by the field.

Yet, few decisions are as consequential to the outcomes of interpersonal relationships, organizational performance, and society at large as those that individuals make in the course of navigating conflict. For most of us conflict is experienced multiple times a day in family relationships, at work, and in the political sphere. For some, conflict outcomes have dire consequences at both the personal and societal level. Often, these experiences exhaust cognitive and emotional resources, damage ongoing relationships, and create spirals that beget more conflict. Rarely, they yield profound positive change in beliefs, attitudes, and parties’ ability to coexist and cooperate.

Researchers in organizational behavior, psychology, economics, decision science and related fields, are uniquely equipped to provide answers to pressing questions surrounding conflict structures, conflict processes, and conflict resolution. This special issue seeks to showcase an interdisciplinary collection of papers on the experimental studies of conflict in order to advance both scientific and applied knowledge in this area. Papers that will be considered will:

Report the results of one or more large-sample controlled or natural experiments. Although the focus of this special issue will be on experimental evidence, we encourage scholars to use a variety of methods to bolster the generalizability and validity of their results. Thus papers combining experimental data and rich observational or archival data are particularly encouraged.

Examine the behavior of parties who genuinely hold opposing interests with regard to important attitudes, resource allocation, or future action. This can be accomplished in multiple ways, including collecting data “in the field” from partisans actively engaged in conflict; recruiting conflict partisans to the laboratory; or generating conflict through experimental incentives.

Endeavor to capture or manipulate interpersonal behavior (as opposed to individually held attitudes or intentions regarding conflict counter-parts). We are particularly encouraging of studies that record or transcribe verbal exchanges, body language, biological indices, or bargaining behavior in addition to the traditional self-reported measures of conflict-relevant attitudes.

Advance the progress of research by demonstrating commitment to open science practices and (when possible) publicly sharing pre-registered hypotheses, data, materials, and analysis code. Authors are strongly encouraged to include at least one study where the key hypotheses are pre-registered and the data are publically available.


Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review

Sustainable logistics and supply chain management in the blockchain era

全文截稿: 2021-10-31

影响因子: 4.69


• 大类 : 工程技术 - 2区

• 小类 : 工程:土木 - 2区

• 小类 : 运筹学与管理科学 - 2区

• 小类 : 运输科技 - 3区


Logistics and supply chain management includes a wide range of activities. Successful control of resources involved in logistics and supply chain management is the key for the organization to remain self-sustained in business endeavors during harsh market conditions. In addition, to dampen the negative environmental impacts, processes in logistics and supply chains should be managed in a resource-effective manner. To address these challenges, logistics and supply chain management raises concerns over sustainability, which includes the activities with the aim of reducing negative environmental impacts, decreasing costs, and increasing the livelihood involved. The integration of sustainability concerns in logistics and supply chain management has been regarded as a fundamental component of sustainable development and an effective way to achieve improvements in resource utilization.

Nowadays, sustainability is often considered as a key driver for business successes. However, the integration of sustainability in logistics and supply chain management is a critical task due to several challenges. These challenges are often associated with attempts to balance the three pillars of sustainability: economic, environmental, and social. To achieve this balance is more “easy said than done” because logistics and supply chains (LSCs) generally involve a complex network with several stakeholders and value chain actors who frequently have different perceptions on different sustainability dimensions. In addition, value chain actors have their own databases which they are reluctant to share with other shareholders due to a lack of reliability among them. Furthermore, the strong commitment for sustainability needs effective coordination and collaboration.

Powerful technology is thus needed for the effective integration of sustainable strategies in logistics and supply chain management. In recent years, blockchain has been applied to logistics and supply chain management, in which the data/information cannot be erased or modified without the consent of the parties involved. This approach facilitates transparency, traceability, and trust in the use of information. Furthermore, it assists with balancing supply and demand through its application in smart contracts. Blockchain provides real-life responsive data which can be further used to improve the overall efficiencies of operations (including sustainable development objectives). In terms of economic sustainability, it eliminates the third-party intervention throughout the value chain, which reduces a significant auditing cost. Blockchain has been implemented in several fields: finance, hospitality, retail, manufacturing, food, and other sectors. However, only few attempts have been made to explore the impact of blockchain on sustainability in logistics and supply chain management. The few reported studies are still in an early stage, seeking to identify tradeoff considerations, necessary activities, information management systems for triple bottom lines (TBL), and performance evaluations in the implementation of blockchain. Accordingly, this Special Issue (SI) is designed to explore the research opportunities of using blockchain for sustainable logistics and supply chain management (SLSCM). Furthermore, this SI motivates researchers to come up with data-driven processes and blockchain based systems to enhance sustainability in logistics and supply chain systems.
