作者:Alberto Giubilini
译者:刘 蕊
校对:刘 璠
策划:刘 璠
Why vegetarians should be prepared to bend their own rules
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It’s a common enough scenario. A vegetarian has been invited to a friend’s place for dinner. The host forgets that the guest is a vegetarian, and places a pork chop in front of her. What is she to do? Probably her initial feelings will be disgust and repulsion. Vegetarians often develop these sorts of attitudes towards meat-based food, making it easier for them to be
s about shunning meat.
/'æbsəlu:tist/ one who advocates absolutism
Suppose, though, that the vegetarian overcomes her feelings of distaste, and decides to eat the chop, perhaps out of politeness to her host. Has she done something morally
? Chances are that what she has been served won’t be the kind of humanely raised meat that some (but not all) ethical vegetarians find permissible to consume. More likely, it would be the product of cruel, intensive factory farming. Eating the meat under these circumstances couldn’t then be an act of what the philosopher Jeff McMahan calls ‘benign carnivorism’. Would the vegetarian guest have done something wrong by breaking her own moral code?
/rɛprɪˋhɛnsəbḷ/ reprehensible behaviour is very bad and deserves criticism
Most vegetarians are concerned about animal suffering caused by meat consumption, or about the impact of factory farming on the environment. For simplicity’s sake, I will consider only the case of animal suffering, but the same argument could be applied to the other bad consequences of today’s practices of factory farming, including, for example, greenhouse gas emissions, inefficient use of land, and use of pesticides, fertiliser, fuel, feed and water, as well as the use of antibiotics causing antibiotic resistance in livestock’s bacteria which is then passed on to humans.
Because eating meat typically supports the practice of raising animals in factory farms where they are inhumanely treated and killed, eating meat is likely to contribute to animal suffering (or to the other bad consequences of factory farming). Now, if we agree that one of the good reasons for being vegetarian is that eating meat to some degree encourages practices that cause animal suffering, then at a first glance it might seem that eating meat only rarely is morally permissible (but see the philosopher Shelly Kagan for a counterargument) because it is very likely that eating meat only occasionally will not have any impact on the amount of suffering inflicted on animals.
工业化饲养的动物饱受虐待,遭到残忍杀害,吃肉实际上助长了这一产业的发展,因此吃肉很可能会加剧动物所遭受到的虐待(同时也加剧了工业化饲养所带来的其它后果)。假设我们认为成为素食主义者的理由之一,是吃肉在某种程度上加剧了我们加诸于动物身上的痛苦。那么,乍一眼看上去,吃肉确实是有违道德标准的(但哲学家Shelly Kagan却有不同观点),因为只有在极少数的情况下,吃肉才不会增加动物的痛苦。