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轮到你了  · 公众号  · 摄影  · 2017-05-26 21:49





第 79 




Giulia Pra  Floriani




Giulia Pra Floriani was born in the Italian Alps in 1992. During her studies of Chinese language, culture and anthropology in Venice, she took part in the Erasmus exchange programs, studying in Changchun and Barcelona. After a master’s in Chinese Studies at the Xi’An Jiotong university, she is currently focusing her reaserch on Chinese history of art at the Art department of Peking university.

She speaks Italian, Chinese, English and Spanish. She took part in the Dali international photography festival and in the Pingyao international photography festival as a curator. Her articles have been published by the magazines Chinese photography, Artribune and Arteallimite






The artisian

The artist who choose not to leave their hometown,are not recognized by  the art world,and are defined as simple craftsmen.The contemporary art world and the world of craftsmen belong to two entirely divided systems,and in most cases the special language of traditional craft is excluded by the art world discoures.Is it really true that the local craftsman’s works are less worthy of attention than the art works hanging in galleries?





The villiage’s most obstinate environmentalist have been reseaching for ten years on how privately built hydroelectric  power plants have affected the surrounding environment and the small rivers in the area.Every time someone designs a new project,she will be at the forefront toinverstigate and resist.Thanks yo her actions,the EU finally became aware of this problem.In the meantime,local people came to understand water is the most precious thing they have,and decide to wstablish a social organization in order not to allow finacial speculation to destroy the rivers.





My aunt worked in a glasses factory for her whole life.The thing she hates most is the factory,the thing she loves mosy is reading and holding a cat in her lap.She and her partner are two anarchists who often took park in the youth parades,protests and strikes in the 1970s.At that time young and idealistic people uesd to have a distorted view of what was happening in the Far East,thinking of it as an ideal country.Lat year I brought them a Chinese Red Army hat,they were so happy they decided to hang it in the living room.



Two young women

The newly graduaed young people suddenly find out it’s quite rare to find an opportunity to work in their own professional field,so they have to  adapt to any kind of job,and still it’s not easy to find a stable one.For this reason,many people choose to  travel abroad to pursue their own ideals,and they sometimes go back home to savor the village’s contradictions:its astonishing beauty and its unavoidable sadness.

The women on the right told me the mask she was wearing looked like Christ,I told her I thought it was death.

“Chi era? Ero io? Ma poteva anche essere un altro! Chiunque poteva essere, quello lì”

Luigi Pirandello Uno Nessuno e Centomila





在意大利东北部的阿尔卑斯山中,小镇的人每到二月都会期待着春天带来希望。山里生活的人们更是有着佩戴面具过狂欢节的传统。祈愿避邪功能的面具,意味着小镇的人们在每一个寒冬过去之后又等来了聚会迎春的机会。冬天取暖烧的木头,修房子用的木头,也是工匠制作雕刻艺术创作的主要材料。 拍摄者在这个只有三千人的小镇出生,父母在山里开饭馆,妈妈写诗,爸爸热爱文学,艺术类的书是晚上她让父母从高架上拿下来给她看的。她当时所生活的地方,需要走很远的路或许才能碰到一个人。在人烟稀少的生活环境中,人们从来不会觉得孤独:崇山峻岭和参天大树是朋友,头一天看到的是飞机掠过,第二天也许看到的就是骆驼奔跑。反而在现代恐龙化庞大人口生活的城市中,每一个人都愈加倍感孤独。



Forgotten Masks

"Who was that person? Was it me? It might be someone else too! That person could actually be anybody"

Luigi Pirandello One, No One and One Hundred Thousand


In the north-eastern Italian Alps, every year in February villagers welcome the arrival of spring with carnival celebrations and masked parades. Originated as apotropaic ritual media, masks are now an excuse to get society reunited to celebrate the beginning of a new agricultural season. The same wood villagers burn in the winter to warm up is the same wood used to build their houses and to carve masks. The photographer was born in this village of three thousand people, where her parents opened a small restaurant, always keeping their passion for literature alive. Her mother used to write poetry, her father liked to read, and they both would take down heavy art books form the high shelf in the night to let her look at them. The place where they were living was far away from the other villagers, and you could walk for hours without meeting anybody. In this lightly populated environment, children don’t ever feel lonely: mountains and trees are their friends, the first day they are a plane, the next day they become camels. Curiously, in modern dinosaur sized cities with huge populations, where it’s almost impossible to be alone, everyone is feeling lonely.

The modern man knows the others are constantly wearing colorful masks, and feels himself is every day playing different roles to meet others expectations. When dialogue between people takes place, it’s hard to say either if the talkers really understand each other or are they just able to see an illusory appearance. The writer Luigi Pirandello was obsessed by a doubt: The Me I see is not the Me you see, nor is it the Me seen by others. Most of what a person perceives comes from his or her own consciousness instead of the object of perception itself, and is unavoidably embedded with illusion and misunderstanding. The author asked the subjects to wear one particular mask, which actually represents just one shade of their multiform complexity. Masks completely obscured the subject’s true faces, and the audience just sees the appearance of a fictional image. What the real image is, does not seem to be important.

When I go back home, I still like to walk in the mountains by myself, sit down in the middle of nothing and listen.








































