专栏名称: 重燃阅读
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  重燃阅读

必须要看的读书好榜样 | 来自盖茨的2017年末阅读推荐

重燃阅读  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-12-10 17:56


在每年的12月4日左右,比尔盖茨总会在其个人博客上总结分享其在本年度他所阅读到的好书,这个传统从2013年开始,已经持续了5年(这个公号也连续分享了四年的书单);除了这个年终分享以外,在每年的暑假期间也会有一个年中分享。抛开其多年首富的身份不说,盖茨也许不是世界上最聪明的人(但比我应该聪明太多),但至少从这个我们可以亲身体会到的读书这件事情上,他一定是最勤奋的人。不论是从其阅读的数量上,还是从其每本阅读后认真的读书笔记中,比尔盖茨无疑是我们阅读的好榜样。还是那句话 如果连知识的复利你都不愿去拿到,那么财富的复利就更只是想想罢了。


还有一点补充说明的是,在今年的文章中除了写下面五本书之外,盖茨也推荐了另外三本书,Black Flags( 榜单| 普利策奖百年 ),Turtles All The Way Down 和 The Color of Law,我后面会专门补充分享。

2016年的盖茨及 书单 | 来自盖茨的2016年末阅读推荐

2015年的盖茨及 榜单 | 跟着首富一起阅读2015

2014年的盖茨及 榜单 |  跟着首富一起看书



The Best We Could Do , by Thi Bui


This gorgeous graphic novel is a deeply personal memoir that explores what it means to be a parent and a refugee. The author’s family fled Vietnam in 1978. After giving birth to her own child, she decides to learn more about her parents’ experiences growing up in a country torn apart by foreign occupiers.


Evicted , by Matthew Desmond

If you want a good understanding of how the issues that cause poverty are intertwined, you should read this book about the eviction crisis in Milwaukee. Desmond has written a brilliant portrait of Americans living in poverty. He gave me a better sense of what it is like to be poor in this country than anything else I have read.

注:之前的推荐及订阅序号参考 书单 | 纽约时报2016十大选书 (上)

Believe Me by Eddie Izzard


Izzard’s personal story is fascinating: he survived a difficult childhood and worked relentlessly to overcome his lack of natural talent and become an international star. If you’re a huge fan of him like I am, you’ll love this book. His written voice is very similar to his stage voice, and I found myself laughing out loud several times while reading it.
