专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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内蒙古掌上12348  ·  呼和浩特市司法局接入Deepseek人工智能系统 ·  3 天前  
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-04-10 11:35


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,受新冠肺炎大流行影响,巴西矿业巨头淡水河谷正在延长其位于加拿大拉布拉多省的 Voisey’s Bay 铁矿山停产检修时间

Brazilian mining major Vale is extending its maintenance outage at itsVoisey’s Bay iron ore mine in Labrador, Canada, due to the Covid-19 pandemic,Kallanish reports

本次停产检修最初于 3 16 日宣布,计划持续四周。停产将再延长三个月,“……在面临新冠肺炎大流行的情况下,此举旨在保护拉布拉多省 Nunatsiavut Innu 原住民社区的健康与福祉,”该公司表示。“截止今天, Voisey's Bay 矿山没有任何员工感染冠状病毒。

The outage was originally announced on 16 Marchand was slated to last four weeks. The outage will be extended for a furtherthree months “... as a precaution to help protect the health and well-being ofNunatsiavut and Innu indigenous communities in Labrador in the face of theCovid-19 pandemic,” the company says. “As of today, no employee at Voisey's Bayhas tested positive for the coronavirus.


The associated Long Harbour Processing Plant will continue to producenickel and cobalt from stockpiled concentrate, though copper production will bereduced


“Vale reaffirms its commitment to the safety of its people and thecommunities in which it operates and will keep investors and markets informedof future developments,” the company says .



Asia Steel Markets 2020(已延期)

22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Europe Steel Markets 2020(已延期)

The 5th Annual Kallanish Europe Steel Markets 2020 event will be held in Milan, Italy on the 4-5 June.


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